Spencer Reid

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The Coffee Girl and the FBI Doctor

Man who likes expresso
Woman who likes a cappuccino
Woman who likes a double coffee shot

That was how Megan remembered her customers in the coffee shop; by their orders. Sure she has to write their names on the cup, but it was more fun to remember them by their orders.
   "Expresso for Michael Finnegan!" she called out, instantly spotting the red-headed man. After thanking her, he made his merry way out. She walked back to the counter again and saw a man she's never took an order from. He was quite handsome, if she could say so herself. He had light brown hair that curled at the top of his head, a tall lanky form that was hunched forward as if trying to blend in with the average height. He wore a button up shirt with a sweater vest over it with brown trousers, a messenger bag over his shoulder. He had brown eyes that was analysing the menu in just a couple of seconds before turning his gaze to Megan.
   "Morning, what can I get you?" she asked politely. For a while, the cute man didn't respond. He just stood there gaping like an idiot - an adorable idiot. He was staring at her like she was a goddess. Megan didn't know that of course; she was staring down at the screen in front of her, ready to take his order. She looked up when there was no reply. "Sir?"
   "Oh! Uh. . ." he glanced to the menu again. "Can I have a coffee with seven teaspoons of sugar?"
   "Seven?" Megan stares at him in amazement. "Sweet tooth."
   "Helps me throughout the day." he shrugged.
   "Of course, Doctor Reid."
   "Doctor Reid? How did you -"
   "You're wearing a FBI identification." she pointed to the small badge he had on his bag. "It's what you use to enter the building. Yes?"
   "Uh. . .yes. . ." he cleared his throat awkwardly. "Um. . ."
   "Have you tried creamer with your coffee?" she asked him. "It's way better than seven scoops of sugar - I mean, the way I do it, I put in two teaspoons of sugar, and then creamer."
   "Uh. . ." he glanced at his watch. "I don't mind trying it out. I got some time to kill." He did; he left extra early than usual since he wanted to try this coffee shop, a shop that has been recently opened. He wanted to see if they made good coffee. This was the test.
   Megan went and made his coffee, doing what she had just told him. She gave it to him and watched with baited breath as he took a sip of the drink. Her look of nervousness turned into victory from when he gave a hum of approval.
   "This is actually the best I have ever tasted." Reid told her honestly.
   "Really?" she couldn't help but beam happily.
   "Really." Reid smiled shyly. "I guess you'll be seeing me quite frequently now."
   "I can't wait." she chirped with a wide grin still on her face.


One month later. . .
"Why hello again, Spencer! Back from the case?"
   "Yeah, couldn't bear to be away from your coffee." Reid laughed. Megan rolled her eyes playfully, getting his order done in a matter of seconds. "Thanks."
   "You're welcome." Megan smiled.
   "Hey, Megan?" Spencer called nervously.
   "Yes, genius?"
   "The thing is. . .my friends are getting married tonight." He stared down at the ground nervously. "Everyone is bringing someone with them, and I was just wondering if. . .you wanted to come with me?"
   "Really?" she stared at him in shock.
   "Really." Reid confirmed. "Honestly, I immediately thought of you to bring when they said I can bring anyone."
   "Wow. . .okay. . ." Megan whistled lowly.
   "Is that a yes?" he asked hopefully.
   "Yeah." Megan breathed out. "Um. . .oh my stars, I'm going to be meeting your team for the first time."
   "Oh yeah. . ." they both giggled nervously. "Well, they'll love you either way. Don't worry."
   "Aw, isn't this adorable, Richard?" an elderly voice cooed from behind them. They turned to the voice and saw it was an elderly couple - regulars. The wife was staring at them in awe, the man smiling at them proudly. It was the wife that had spoken. "Isn't young love adorable?"
   "Oh! Mrs Smithers, really. . ." Megan laughed sheepishly.
   "What a fine chap he is, Megan." Mrs Smithers said with a grin.
   "I approve." Mr Smithers added in cheekily.
   "Mister Smithers!" Megan complained. Reid meanwhile looked between the three with a flushed face.
   "U-uh," he stuttered, "I'll see you tonight at six?"
   "Okay." Megan nodded.
   "I'll pick you up." When Reid walked away with his face still flaming, the old couple gave Megan a smile.
   "I like him." Mrs Smithers approved.


"Ooh, who is that pretty lady with Pretty Boy?" Morgan raised his eyebrows in disbelief when he noticed how close the two were. Prentiss followed his sight, and copied his reaction.
   "No way. . ." she breathed out. "This wedding of JJ and Will's is truly bringing everyone together." They watched as Henry ran to Reid with a grin, giving him a hug. Reid went down on one knee, the girl following. They watched as Reid introduced the girl to Henry; Henry giving a shy smile to her, Reid smiling adoringly at her.
   "They're not together." Prentiss realised. "Look. They may be close, but not couple close. But they like each other."
   "Time to be love matchmakers, eh?" Morgan smirked, Prentiss following his mischief.


"Tonight has been very well." Megan commented, swaying gently to the music with Reid. The Doctor himself hummed in agreement, holding her closer to him.
   "I told you the team would love you." he told her smugly. And they did; they smiled genuinely at her and had pleasant conversations with each other. Reid may have been imagining it, but when the team members turned to him, they gave him a smile as if to say, "I approve of her. Get together already!" Even when Megan wasn't listening in, Garcia said the exact words to him.
   Reid swallowed nervously, calling for her attention. "Megan. . ." he gulped. "I-I need to tell you something."
   "Yes?" Megan smiled gently at him. He took a deep breath in and just blurted it all out.
   "I love you -" Megan had cut him off with a kiss, smiling widely through it. Reid froze in shock, his eyes wide. He could hear Morgan whooping in the background, the others laughing at his reaction. He couldn't believe it. Megan returned the feelings? She loved a man who was socially awkward and goes on cases most of the days making them not able to see each other much? She loved a man who had a bad childhood and an old drug addiction?
   Reid snapped back into reality, closing his eyes and bringing her closer to him, making the kiss deeper and passionately. They pulled away with similar goofy grins, panting for breath. "I love you too." she breathed out. Reid closed his eyes in bliss with a chuckle, pressing his lips against her temple.
   "My Coffee Girl." he murmured.
   "My FBI Doctor."

The End

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