Finnick Odair - Part I

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"Love is weird" - Part I
It was her Victory Tour, and she was in the Capitol. He watched her as she faked smiles to people, and pretended to listen to what they were saying. But he knew what she actually felt; she just won the 69th Annual Hunger Games at the age of eighteen, and she was feeling the guilt and horror of it all. Hopefully, she didn't have to suffer like him because of Snow.
"Well if it isn't Miss Louisa Shelling, the winner of the 69th Annual Hunger Games." Finnick held a hand out to her, giving her his charming smile. "Finnick Odair, winner of the 65th Hunger Games."
"And the youngest to win." Louisa added quietly, eyes full of curiosity but respect. She placed her hand in his. "Nice to meet you as well."
"Well, it's quite nice to be around someone the same age as I." he winked at her playfully. "Hanging around all these adults gets tiring."
"Or maybe it's just the Capitol." she muttered darkly.
"Maybe it is." he agreed quietly, sharing a small sincere smile. "I'm here for you, if you need me."
"Really?" she stared at him shocked.
"Of course."
"But I'm from District Eight -"
"So? That's not going to stop me from seeing you." Finnick shrugged. "You're something different, Louisa, something unique - an enigma. I'd like to know more about you."
"Are you sure you're not doing it to jump my bones?" Finnick barely hid a wince at her words that were supposed to be meant as a joke. But he took it seriously.
"I promise you, I will not do anything that will bring you discomfort." he vowed to her. "The games are never over when out of the arena, and I will do everything I can to make sure no harm comes to you."
"Why? Why are you doing all of this for me?"
"I watched your game, Shelling," he stared at her seriously, "you don't deserve this. You don't deserve all the horrors and pain given to you by the Capitol. You deserve better."
"And so do you." She went on to her tippy toes and placed a chaste kiss to his cheek. "Thank you for talking to me, Finnick. It was very lovely to meet you. I'll be looking forward to your next visit."
"Feeling's mutual." he winked at her.


It was the Reaping of the Quarter Quells, and everyone was nervous. Especially Finnick and Louisa. The past years were bearable and lovely for the two, since they started to fall in love with each other. The people of the Capitol saw, and absolutely loved the idea of the two together. And because of that, Snow had to let Finnick go from his duties - if the Capitol found out what Finnick did, it wouldn't do well for the President.
Finnick sat in the living room with Mags and Annie (who was like a little sister to him and won the 70th games), hands clasped together. They were watching the live video of District 8's Reaping. Finnick prayed that it wouldn't be who he thought it would be.
"Like always, ladies first!" The District Escort attempted to be her happy, preppy self, but was failing. He knew why. She had a close relationship with Louisa, and she was scared that she was going to be reaped.

Finnick's prayer went unnoticed.

"And the female tribute for this year's games is. . ." her smile faltered, and her lips started to wobble. Finnick felt his heart drop down to his stomach. "L-Louisa Shelling."

From District 4, Finnick Odair's scream of pain and anguish could be heard from all over, notifying everyone that he just witnessed the love of his life get reaped into the games.


"Finnick Odair," Haymitch showed the two his reaping, "youngest person to win the games at the age of fourteen - the Capitol's darling." He turned to Katniss and Peeta with a serious look on his face. "Listen to me when I say, you must ally with him."
"Why?" Katniss asked him with a frown. "He looks suspicious."
"He may charm people with his looks and all, but he is deadly. And very dangerous. Especially if you harm a single strand of hair on his lover."
"His lover?" Peeta quirked an eyebrow.
"Louisa Shelling, District 8's female Victor Tribute for this year's game." Haymitch skipped over to District 8's reaping. "Trust me when I say you two need them on your side. Why? Because," he gave the two a sly smirk, "if you two aren't allies with Finnick and his girl, and you try killing Louisa, you'd suddenly find a trident in your chest. Same thing if you try to kill Finnick in the games; you'll find a knife in ya before you could say Snow. There's a reason why they're called the Deadly Couple."
Katniss and Peeta gulped at his words.


"Now, I hear you have a special message to a loved one." Caesar said, pretending not to know who it was for. But he knew, and so did the Capitol - and basically everyone. The audience cried in pain and sadness that their first Victor couple were in the games together.
Finnick turned to the camera, determination and sadness seeping through his eyes. "My love," he started, "you have my heart for all eternity. And if. . .if I die in that arena, my last thought would be of your lips." Backstage, Louisa quickly wiped away her tears, choking back a sob.
Katniss noticed this along with the other victors, feeling pity and sadness for her. While her's and Peeta's was all a fake thing to stay alive, theirs wasn't. And Katniss hated Snow for bringing those two in the situation - despite the fact that Finnick gave a first impression that made it seem like he was threatening her back at the Parade. It kind of was a threat if you think about it. He made sure the two knew not to harm Louisa.

"Oh, before I leave the two of you alone. . ." Finnick gave a smile that seemed threatening. "Louisa Shelling, from District 8. If you don't want to be on my bad side. . .don't kill her in the games."


"Wait, wait!" They all stopped and took a breather. Finnick gently placed Mags on the ground. "We need to go back." he panted. "Louisa -"
"We can't go back for her." Katniss said sternly. "It's too risky."
"And me helping your lover wasn't?" Finnick raised an eyebrow angrily. "Look, your love may seem real to the Capitol - but mine is true love, okay? I love, Louisa. And I promised her and myself to do everything I can to make sure she lives."
"I'm sorry, but Katniss is right." Peeta said quietly, much to his and Finnick's dismay. Peeta got to talk to Louisa for a while before the games, and he thought she was nice and kind and willing to team up with him and Katniss. "We can't go back."
Finnick groaned in frustration, blinking away his tears. Mags placed a comforting hand on his arm. "She doesn't deserve this." Finnick whispered. "She doesn't deserve this."
At night the Anthem came on, showing the deceased tributes. Finnick was so relieved that Louisa didn't come up in the screen that he released a few tears of relief and joy. He felt more determined to find her while help Katniss and Peeta.


"Someone's here." Katniss told the two boys quietly. They grabbed their weapons, watching as four people emerged from the jungle, covered in something red. Finnick realised who one of the people were. "Louisa?" Finnick murmured. His eyes lit up when he saw that it was, in fact, Louisa. "Louisa!"
"Finnick? Finnick!" Katniss and Peeta followed closely behind Finnick, watching their reunion.
Despite the fact she was covered in something disgusting, Finnick allowed her to jump into his arms, arms and legs wrapped around him. He pulled away from her enough to plant a passionate kiss to her lips. He pulled away with a grimace when he realised what she was covered in.
"Why are you covered in blood?"
"We were thirsty, dehydrated -still are- so when the storm came, we all thought water was going to come but no -"
"It was blood." Louisa whispered, cutting Johanna off. "Lots and lots of blood. . ." Finnick hugged her closely to him.
"Don't worry, I'm not letting any harm come to you again." Finnick promised her.

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