Chris Beck

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A/N: So I just watched 'The Martian' (also 'The Bronze' and man was that movie intense. I'll admit, the sex scene startled/traumatised me) and I love Chris Beck. I was surprised a bit when he and Johansson got together and had a kid. Dunno why, cuz I saw those few moments with each other but you know, stuff happens. Anyway, hope you like it.

(PS: I am making so much one-shots of Sebastian Stan and his characters this book should be called 'Sebastian Stan and characters' one-shot with other fandom')

(PPS: Should I make Lance one-shots? I dunno. . .)

Lady Waiting
They pulled up at the car park of NASA, neither of them making any move to leave.
   Chris glanced to his fiancée from the passenger side of the car, nothing she was trying to hold her tears in. "Mary, baby. . ."
   "I'm sorry." she sniffed, wiping her eyes quickly. "I promised myself I wouldn't cry -"
   "It's okay, honey. It really is." Chris pulled her into a needed right hug. Mary started crying into his chest, making his heart break and for him himself to hold in his tears. He didn't want to leave her, but it was a once in a lifetime experience that he's been waiting for for his whole life. And being the amazing fiancée she was, Mary encouraged him despite the long time away from each other. It made him realise that she was the one and had proposed to her before he left for Mars.
   "We're going to contact each other, okay?" he promised her. "We'll email each other, and video chat - I'll be back before you know it."
   "I know." she sniffed, pulling away to console herself. "Just. . .I'm going to miss you. A lot."
   "I'm going to miss you too, Mary." He pulled her into another hug. "I love you, Mary."
   "I love you too." she said against his chest. "Besides," she pulled away with a small grin, "I will be needing your opinion during the Wedding planning. Just because you're going to be in a different planet doesn't mean you get to stay away from all the planning."
   "Damn." he joked, making the two laugh. He suddenly got a text from Lewis, telling him it was almost time to go. "Baby, I gotta go inside. . ."
   "Right, right." she nodded, clearing her throat and calming herself down. "Uh, let me walk you to the entrance."
   They walked to the doors, stopping before he could enter. Chris grabbed her into another hug, planting a kiss on her head. "I love you." he told her.
   "I love you too." she said, giving him a passionate kiss.
   "I'll see you soon." he promised her.
   "I'll be waiting."
   The last thing he saw of her was her small loving smile, waving goodbye to him.


"Are you sure you want to have it outside?" Chris questioned. Mary rolled her eyes through the screen.
   "Yes, I'm sure." she said. "I want to have it outside when it's just turning into Spring. Do you know how beautiful it is, snow still in the area but grass is coming back? You know what I mean? It will be sunny, but still a bit cool."
   "I get what you mean, darling." Chris smiled at her gently. "God, I miss you."
   "I miss you too." she said back. "Not long now, just a couple more months."
   "I know, I'm counting down." he told her. "I can't wait to see you again."
   "Me too -"
   "Beck," Johansson entered his room, "we're playing Go Fish at the table. You in?"
   "Yeah, I'll be there soon. My time is almost up anyway talking to loved ones." Chris nodded. When she left, Chris turned to Mary apologetically. "I gotta go, I have a time limit."
   "I know." she said gently. "Was that Johansson?"
   "The girl you think -"
   "Yep." he said awkwardly. "You know I'd never cheat on you, Mary. I'm not like that."
   "I know." she nodded. "I just feel bad for her. I mean, from what I see you haven't told her about me -"
   "Or anyone."
   "What! Chris!"
   "I know, it's just. . .I dunno. I've been busy with my tasks, and I'd like to have one thing to myself, you know? Being around the crew, not much is kept a secret. We're basically another family."
   "I understand." she assured him. "Just. . .tell them soon, will you? You don't want them to find out by accident and think you don't trust them."
   "Got it." Mark called out for him. "Got to go, I'll see you soon. I love you."
   "I love you too."


Chris carefully took the bomb from Johansson, giving her a small smile. They shared a few words, in the end Johansson giving him a kiss through the helmet. Chris immediately felt guilt attack him for leading her on when he had someone already waiting for him. But he couldn't tell her then; they needed to get Mark. Fast.


"Beth, can I speak to you for a second?"
   "Sure." The two walked away from the crew, going into the bunkers. Johansson waited patiently for him to talk while Chris paced the area nervously. "Chris, are you okay?"
   "Yeah, I am. It's just -" he sighed, running a hand through his hair frustrated. "I can't return the feelings you have for me, Beth. I'm sorry."
   "W-What?" Johansson stared at him shocked. "I-I -"
   "Look, I know you have feelings for me. Even the others think so - and when I mean others, I mean Mark. I'm sorry, it's just. . .I have a lady already waiting for me back home. And, she's my fiancée."
   "Fiancée?" she swallowed thickly. "Y-You have a fiancée?"
   "Yeah -"
   "Why didn't you tell me? Does anyone else know?"
   "No one else knows, just you now." Chris told her. "And I didn't tell you because we were busy here in space, and I wanted a secret to myself, you know? We've been in the ship for so long together now and there's no secrets between us. I wanted to have at least one bit of privacy." He stared at her apologetically. "I'm really sorry for leading you on, Beth. I really am. A-And even if I returned the feelings, it wouldn't have been allowed on the ship, and I would feel guilty for falling for another woman while one was worrying for me."
   "I understand." she said after a small silence. "And. . .I'm sorry for developing those feelings on you. Your fiancée is a lucky girl."
   "Thank you." he smiled at her sincerely. "I'm sorry it had to be like this."
   "It's okay, there's always next time." Johansson shrugged off nonchalantly. "It's just going to be a while."


They entered the waiting area, being bombarded with their loved ones. Mark went to his parents, Lewis went to her husband, Martinez went to his wife and child, Vogel going to his wife and kids, Johansson going to her parents. Chris trailed behind her, looking over her head for the woman he craved for.
   Through the masses of people, he could hear her voice calling out for him. "Chris? Chris?"
   "Mary!" Chris called out, feeling euphoric at hearing her voice in person. "Mary!"
   "Chris!" Mary finally spotted him, using her tiny figure as an advantage to go through the crowd. When close enough, she jumped into his arms, lips instantly meeting his. Chris kissed her back just as passionately, holding her close to him. Through their kisses tears fell from their faces, tears of relief and joy. Chris twirled her around in a circle once before finally setting her down, lips still locked on hers. They pulled away to breathe, both of them sending beaming watery smiles to each other.
   "I missed you." she whispered to him. He nudged his nose against hers lovingly.
   "I missed you too, honey."
   "Chris, there's something I need to tell you."
   "During the time you were in space, I. . .I found out I was pregnant."
   "What?" he stared at her in disbelief. "W-What - I - how -"
   "It's a baby boy." she cried out, smiling happily. "I named him after you. Chris Junior. CJ for short."
   "Wow, I. . ." He pulled her into another hug. "Is that why you only showed your face when talking through the screen? A-And why you had to cut it short?"
   "Yep." she stared at him guiltily. "Please don't hate me?"
   "Never." he pulled her into another kiss. "Come on, let's go home. I want to meet my son."
   Not even saying his goodbyes to his crew, he pulled Mary alongside with him to the exit.
   "Who was that?" Mark asked the others in shock. They had watched the whole thing and has no idea who Mary was. They were surprised when they kissed.
   "That's Chris' fiancée." Johansson told them all.
   "Whoa, what?" Martinez's eyes bulged out. "Fiancée?"
   "Yep. Been together for three years."
   "How do you know this? How come he never told us?" Lewis asked surprised.
   "He wanted something to himself since we basically know everything about each other. And he told me because I liked him and he didn't want to lead me on." Johansson explained.
   "That must've been harsh, watching the guy you like be with someone else." Mark said sympathetically, the others agreeing.
   "Not really." she admitted, much to their surprise. "I saw the way they reunited, and how happy they seem together. Chris really loves her, and she loves him. As long as he's happy, it's okay."

The End

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