Felix Ferne - Part II

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Missing Girl - Part II
"So, we're in an alternate universe where no one knows us?" Lisa clarified to the boys.
"Yep." they nodded. They were all at her small apartment, all fresh and clean. They were glad that Felix knew Lisa personally and got her to let them stay with her.
"A tornado started following you, yes?" Felix asked her. She nodded in answer.
"Yeah. And then I stumbled upon Roland who drove me back to Bremin."
"How have you survived this long?" Sam couldn't help but ask. "Knowing that your family didn't remember you, all alone. . ."
"An old lady took me in." she admitted. "I was just ten. I had no home and was confused. Lost. So she took me in."
"And the homeless shack?" Felix asked her.
"The old lady that took me in created it. I was the inspiration to make it. She didn't like it how homeless people were out there struggling." She leaned her head against Felix's shoulder, Felix reacting instinctively, leaning his head on top of hers like they used to do when they were little. "And then I told her that I wanted a place so she helped me get an apartment, and a way to repay her is to continue her business when she passes away."
"That's nice of her to do for you." Felix murmured, feeling grateful that someone took care of the girl he loved. Yes, he still loved her; it seemed his feelings returned for her when he first saw her outside of the homeless shack to put up a sign.
"So how do we get home?" Lisa asked them all.
"That's what we're trying to figure out now." Jake told her. "So far, we got nothing."
"We were a bit more concerned for where we were going to stay and all." Andy continued.
"Well, you guys don't have to live at the homeless shack. You can just stay with me." Lisa told them. They all sighed in relief. "Some of you guys have to share though. I only have one spare room."
"I dibs the bed!" Jake shouted.
"Hey Lisa?" Felix called her, ignoring the boys that were arguing. "Is it okay if I stay with you instead of the boys? I've hung out around them enough and. . .and I missed you."
Lisa smiled, giving him a hug. "I missed you too. And look at you!" she pulled away and gave him a scan from head to toe. "You're full-on goth now. Handsome!"
"Gee, thanks." Felix looked away with a blush.
"Come on, I'll show you my room." Lisa stood up from her seat in the living room, holding a hand out for him to take.

And he grabbed her hand without hesitation.


"So what happened while I was gone?" Lisa whispered to him in the dark. It was night, and they were facing each other in the bed. The boys decided that Sam and Jake would share the bed, while Andy took the couch since he was small enough for it, and Felix would stay with Lisa. The boys all gave Felix smirks when Felix told them where he was going to sleep.
Felix shuffled uncomfortably, resting on his back with a sigh. "You were on newspapers." Felix told her quietly. "There were search parties for you. My parents told me in the afternoon on the day you went missing. I foolishly hopped out of my bed and attempted to run all the way to the forest to find you." He chuckled humourlessly. "I didn't make it though. I was too sick and my parents caught up to me easily. It wasn't easy for me. Or anyone. I remember staying in my room, skipping school because it felt wrong going to school while you were somewhere out there, lost." He gave out a small sigh, blinking away his tears. "They called off the search parties three days after you went missing."
"And my parents?" Lisa sniffed. "Are they okay?"
"They changed." Felix told her glumly. "Kept to themselves. Only went to work, shop for food, and then sleep. They don't talk to anyone anymore and would go to the forest on the weekend to look for you."
"Felix," she whimpered, "I want to go home."
"So do I," Felix whispered, bringing her into a hug, "I promise you, we will return home. You can see your parents again. See Oscar. See everyone."
"I'm glad you're here." Lisa whispered, nuzzling her head into his chest. "I've missed you."
"I've missed you too."


"Dude. Tell her."
Felix looked to Andy confused. "Tell who what?"
"Lisa!" Andy nodded to Lisa who was looking through bookshelves in the school library, unaware of their conversation. "Tell her your feelings for her."
"Whoa, no way!" Felix looked at him as if he was crazy. "What do you mean anyway?"
"Felix, we all know you have feelings for her." Andy told him in an obvious tone. "And you can date her since she's from our universe!"
"It's not that simple. . ." Felix's eyes went to Lisa who was skimming through a book. He found it adorable how her eyebrows furrow together in concentration -
"Just tell her." Andy interrupted him. "Or else I will." Felix scowled at him. "I'm being serious. Tell her or else I will. Now."
"We are kind of busy at the moment -"
"Hey Lisa, come here!"
"Andy!" Felix hissed, hitting him. He quickly plastered on a smile when Lisa approached.
"Hey, you guys found something?"
"Felix has something to say -"
"Okay, okay!" Felix glared at him. "Um Lisa, why don't we talk somewhere more. . .private."


Andy watched in the distance with a smirk, nodding to himself in accomplishment. The other two boys caught up to him. "Hey, what you looking at -"
"Look!" Andy cut Jake off and nodded to Felix and Lisa who were sitting together on a bench. The two were smiling lovingly at each other, hands twined together. Felix leaned down to her and gave her a kiss. "I did that. I am an awesome matchmaker!"
"About time the two hook up." Sam snorted. "Jake, you owe me your sausage at dinner."
"Damnit!" Jake cursed. "Come on, let's go get them. We still need to find a way home."
"Well about time you two got together!" Sam said loudly, making the couple jump. Felix cursed under his breath at their smirking looks. "Come on, we still need to find a way home."

The End

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