Bucky Barnes

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A/N: Read a Bucky fanfic about trigger words that made him back to normal. Gave me inspiration to write a one-shot. Story idea came from that author, I do not own the idea. All credit goes to that person.

The Trigger Words
"How is that even possible?" the man hissed. "How?"
"I don't know!" another man stuttered. "But if my calculations are right - which they usually are -"
"You created trigger words for the Winter Soldier that will reverse him back to normal." A silence came after that. "We tell no one of this. Pierce can't know - if he does, he'll kill us for sure."
"What do we do with it?"
"Hide it. Destroy it - I don't know, just make sure no one finds it!"
"What if we need the words for the future?"
"Then just hide it somewhere. Just make sure it's nowhere obvious."
"Got it. Hail HYDRA."
"Hail HYDRA." When they disappeared, that's when she moved in. Moving away from the shadows, she snuck inside the small office and immediately went onto the computer, finding what one of the men were recently doing. Finding the documents, she grabbed some paper and a pen and started writing down the trigger words.


Tucking the note down her shirt, she quickly turned off the computer and quickly made her way out, unnoticed.
She walked inside the cell, seeing guards surrounding the whole place. In the middle on a makeshift chair was the Winter Soldier. He was staring into the distance, while the doctors and scientists fixed up his arm.
Suddenly he reached out and shoved the scientist away, making all guns turn to him. A guard stood in front of her protectively, her being an important asset to the team. Alexander Pierce walked in, followed by Brock Rumlow and a few other men. She stood off to the side while they had their conversation with the soldier.
When finished, Pierce turned to her while walking away. "Fix up his wounds and get him prepped. Wipe his memories." Swallowing back her fear, she nodded and waited for everyone to leave. When all gone, she slowly made her way to the restrained assassin.
"Hello." she whispered to the silent man. He glanced at her for a millisecond before staring straight ahead. "I'm sorry that you're in this situation. If it was up to me, I would have set you free and somewhere safe away from HYDRA." He still said nothing. "I'm just going to quickly check your injuries before we start, okay?"
"Why bother telling me all this." he rasped out, startling her. "I'll forget it afterwards with what you're going to do to me." She stopped her work and stared at him sadly. She came up with a risky plan.
"I'm going to swipe you, yes," she murmured, "but I have a feeling that you'll be leaving this place soon." He turned to her, curiosity getting the best of him. "When you escape and gain your memories back," she said quietly, making sure the guards outside wouldn't hear her, "I want you to go and find me. I have something that will ensure your safety."
"And what would that be?"
"Words to end your HYDRA life."


"Got an interesting mission for you all." Fury chucked a file onto the table. Curious, Steve grabbed one and opened it. The first thing he saw in the file was a photo of a brunette. Her hair was past her shoulders in waves, her eyes a chocolate brown that shone brightly with happiness, her red lips curled into a genuine smile. He couldn't help but think the woman was definitely Bucky's type.
"Clara Devine," Fury told them, "HYDRA's number one genius."
"What?" Steve read the information. "She created most of their weapons?"
"Seems like it." Fury nodded. "Other sources tell me that she was the one who tended to Barnes and wiped him."
"She created the upgraded version of his memory swiping machine." Sam added with a low whistle. "Damn, she's definitely a genius if she created something horrible like that."
"So what about her?" Steve asked Fury stiffly. He didn't like the idea of that woman being the main reason his friend was unstable.
"She was forced into joining HYDRA, just to let you know, and she just so happened to recently escape from them in Moscow. I want you all to find her."
"Why?" Wanda asked him.
"Because she has something that will fix Barnes from his mind."

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