Spencer Reid - Part I

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The Bombing - Part I
"When should I tell him?" I whispered to JJ and the girls. We were in the toilets, having just waiting for the test to see if it was positive or negative. It said positive. I was pregnant. With Spencer's baby. "Should I even tell him? We've only been together for ten months."
   "Almost a year." Garcia added with a wide smile. "You guys know everything about each other - I wonder why he hasn't given you a ring yet -"
  "Garcia!" I scolded, feeling my face get hot.
   "I'm sorry, it's just - you're pregnant!" she squealed, along with the others.
   "I never thought I'd see the day there would be a mini-Reid." Prentiss admitted.
   "Or even have a girlfriend." Garcia added.
   "But what about Lila Archer and Maeve Donovan?" I asked.
   "Well. . .a proper girlfriend, Garcia means." JJ clarified. "Not that Maeve wasn't bad or anything. . ."
   "I understand." I assured her. "Don't worry."
   "But come on!" Garcia squealed. "When should you tell him?"
   "After the case?" I suggested.


I sat at my desk with a sigh, getting started on my paperwork. The smell of perfume that belonged to Garcia could be smelt from behind me, making me look behind and see her making her way to me with a smile. Upon seeing the look on my face, the smile dropped. "What's wrong?" she asked me. "Did you tell him?"
   "No." I said glumly. "I couldn't."
   "Why not?"
   "Because," I sighed, "we got into a fight during the case."
   "What!" She pulled me up from my seat and started pushing me to the toilets. "We need a chat, young lady."


"Speak." Garcia demanded, JJ and Prentiss standing beside her. I leaned against the counter, looking down at the ground with a frown. "What happened?"
   "I didn't know how to tell Spencer that I was expecting." I said quietly. "So I tried to give him clues, you know? Told him I couldn't have coffee when he offered, telling him I have a craving for pickles and ice-cream -"
   "Pickles and ice-cream?" Garcia grimaced. "Gross." We all sent her a look. "Oh, right. Sorry. Continue?"
   "Right." I cleared my throat. "So when hinting, I also mentioned that we might need a bigger place. Spencer didn't like that."
   "He's had that place for years." JJ noted.
   "Yeah, it was a stupid thing to say." I groaned. "I mean, we don't need to move. The baby can just go in the guest bedroom."
   "So what happened next?" Prentiss asked me.
   "He kind of confronted me." I mumbled. "Asked me why I was acting weird and wanting to move out. He thought I wanted to break up with him. He left before I could tell him the truth."
   "What!" they said.
   "I know!" I moaned. "I'm so stupid."
   "No-no, Sweetie." Garcia told me. "It's Reid that is stupid."
   "It will be okay." JJ assured me, Prentiss nodding along.
   "Yeah," she agreed, "he will get over it shortly."
   "I hope you three are right." I sighed.


One week later. . .
"Alright amigos, Boston called, they have bombings happening." Garcia announced, walking towards the tv screen with her remote. "They happen every five hours, the latest one happened two hours ago."
   "Then we have no time to brief." Hotch said. "Wheels up in ten."
   When I went to make my way out, Garcia stopped me. I gave her a questioning look. "You okay?" she whispered. "I mean, it's been a week."
   "I'm fine." I mumbled, absently looking in Spencer's direction. He was crouched down at his desk, retrieving his go-bag. His eyes connected with mine, his eyes hardening and looked away from me. I choked back a sob and gave Garcia a watery smile. "I'm fine." I whispered, scared that if I spoke any louder, she'd hear my voice crack. But nonetheless, she still gave me a concerned look, not falling for it.
   "But -"
   "I-I gotta go." I cleared my throat, walking away from her before she could interrogate me further. I quickly walked away from the rest of the team, who stared at me concerned.
   "Hey pretty girl, you okay?" Morgan asked me, grabbing my arm. I avoided their gazes, wiping my eyes.
   "I'm fine." I told him, shaking out of his grasp. "Just going to get my go-bag from home."
   "But your go-bag is right here." Rossi pointed to under my desk. They all gave me looks, even Spencer stared at me. I shook out of Morgan's grasp and grabbed my bag, making my way back to the elevator.
   "I know, I-I just forgot something at home." I lied pathetically.
   "But you have an eidetic memory -"
   "I'm fine, okay!" I turned around and yelled. They all gave me surprised looks. "I-I. . ." I stuttered. "I-I'll meet you all at the jet."
   I hurried away before they could say anything.

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