Finnick Odair - soulmate

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A/N: AU where they have dreams of their soulmate.

Finnick doesn't love his life. For one, he was a slave to the Capitol - a pawn in Snow's game. Two, he had no one left he cares about except Mags and Annie, who were like a mother and sister to him. Three, he barely gets to see his beach home, always in the Capitol, selling his body. He just wanted to die, but he couldn't. He still had hope in him. He still had a good side to his life - the only thing that keeps him living.


Because that's when he meets up with his soulmate. The one that brings him internal happiness and makes him momentarily forget about his harsh life that doesn't have her in it. His dreams would be just her and him together on the beach back in District 4, getting to know one another and falling in love. Endless promises were sent to each other before they wake up.
"I promise I will find you, and we will be together." he would promise.
"And I promise to stay by your side when we do reunite." she'd say back. "I'm always betting on you, Finnick Odair."


"You find yourself a soulmate yet?" Katniss asked him. They were on the beach, having just got out of the Jabberjay hour. They were resting for a while, Beetee thinking of a way for them to escape.
Finnick nodded slightly, playing with the sand on the beach.
"Is it Annie?" Katniss guessed, since that was the only voice she heard in the Jabberjay hour for him.
"No," Finnick chuckled, watching the sand fall out of his hands slowly, "Annie is like a sister to me."
"Oh." Katniss frowned. "You haven't met your soulmate yet, then."
"No." he shook his head with a sad sigh. "But I'm glad I haven't met her yet. Otherwise she would have been used in the Jabberjay hour." He looked into the distance, his hands buried in the sand absently. "We always make promises to each other that we'd find each other in the future. That we'd run away somewhere and live a happy life away from Panem, the Capitol, the Games, Snow. . ." He shook his head with a humourless laugh. "Now I'm back in the Games, where there's a high chance I won't survive to see her in person." He looked to her in the corner of his eye. "You're lucky to find yours. Spend time with him before the time comes. Some of us, just aren't that lucky."


Finnick sat in the hospital room, busy with the rope in his hands. His last loved one was gone; Annie captured by Snow. He didn't know how to handle it - the girl who was like a little sister to him was gone from him again. With Peeta gone and Johanna and Annie, and the fact he still hasn't found his soulmate, he just couldn't handle it. And what made it worse was that whenever he slept, no dreams of his soulmate would appear. He was scared that she might be dead after all this time.
The door opened to his room, though he paid no mind to it, busy making an intricate knot on his rope. Footsteps came to him, someone sitting down beside him. He still didn't look up.

"You know, I always expected our reunion to be in good terms, you know? But that's wishful thinking with our harsh life and all."

The rope fell out of his hands at the familiar voice, his mind flying to his soulmate.
He looked up, turning to the left to see her in all her glory. Her raven dark hair in a loose ponytail, her green eyes gleaming in the harsh yellow light, her lips stretched into a small smile. It made him feel breathless whenever he'd glance at her.
"Elizabeth," he breathed out, lifting a shaky hand to her face, "you're actually here? Real?"
Elizabeth leaned into his hand, still smiling at him gently. "Elizabeth Shield, from District 13." she said quietly. "I was always betting on you, Odair."
"Oh my God." He brought her into a hug, burying his face into her neck. Elizabeth wrapped her arms around his waist, hiding her face in his neck. They both stayed like that for a while, just enjoying the feel of each other for the first time. Every once in a while one of them would tighten their hold, snuggling in deeper into the warmth given to each other. For once out of his dreams and into reality, he felt at peace. Calm. Happy.
"I love you." he whispered into her ear. "I love you so much." She tightened her hold on him more.
"I love you too."


News spread around fast in the small District about Finnick and his soulmate. Everyone by then knew that Finnick had found his significant other - well, she found him.
When the two first entered the cafeteria for the first time together, everyone stared, some congratulated them. Katniss, Gale, Haymitch, Beetee, Plutarch, and Coin congratulated them especially. Because of her, he was slowly getting better and becoming his old self. He was starting to feel hopeful again that they'd rescue their friends from the Capitol.
With him focussing back on track, everyone knew that the rebellion was going to happen for sure since they had one of their best fighters back in the game. He wasn't just fighting for freedom or revenge anymore, he was fighting for his future. His future with his soulmate, and Annie who would need him when she's rescued. He needed to make sure Snow was killed in order for his life with his two girls to be complete and happy and free. Without the fear and anger in their life.
Finnick was determined to destroy President Snow once and for all.

The End

A/N: Didn't really know how to end it, soz.

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