No Food

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I know this isn't one of my best pieces but in a way I found it kind of cute. I'll have a better chapter up next week.

Connor and Jude walked through the park hand in hand. It was a beautiful California afternoon. 5:30 to be exact.

Ok, how about a dinner and movie?" Connor asked.

"A movie sounds nice but I'm not really hungry right now."

"Fine, but if I buy popcorn at the movies you don't get any." Connor joked.

"Fine by me." Connor's smile dropped a little.

"But who's gonna steal my popcorn at movies? That's your one job as my boyfriend." Connor said pouty. Jude laughed.

"I think you'll manage one movie without me stealing your popcorn."

"It won't be the same." Jude kissed Connor's cheek as they continued to walk.
The time was 10:45. The boys were just leaving the movies, heading back to the Fosters.

Jude made Connor carry him home on his back. Connor could of sworn Jude was lighter but he didn't question it.

"Why do I have to carry you again?"

"Because, I'm helping you train for baseball season."

"But that isn't for another 4 months."

"It's never too early to start training."

Connor took another few steps before talking again.

"Truth." Jude sighed before speaking.

"I'm too lazy to walk."

Connor stopped in front of the fosters house. Jude got off his back.

"You owe me big time."

"Anything you want?"

"Pizza?" Connor smiled.

"But I'm not hungry." Jude whined.

Connor smile dropped. That was the third time today Jude said he wasn't hungry. That's when it hit Connor. He knew Jude felt lighter but he didn't think of it at the time.

"Come with me." Connor lead Jude upstairs to the bathroom.

"What are we doing in here." Jude asked.

"Stand on the scale."

"What. Why?"

"Just do it, please." Jude sighed before stepping on the scale. Connor looked down at the numbers the scale displayed. Jude was 10 pounds lighter.

"Why haven't you been eating?" Connor asked. Jude stepped off the scale.

"I have been eating, just not as often as I should."

Connor grabbed Jude's hand pulling him down the stairs.

"Connor, where are we going now." Connor stopped and turned to Jude.

"Remember when we were 13 and you tried to stop eating. I talked you out of it but remember what I said I do if you ever tried to stop eating?" Jude thought back.


Jude and Connor laid quietly on Connor's bed.

"Let's make a deal. The next time you stop eating, we are going to McDonald's and you have to eat 3 of their burgers."

"But McDonald's is gross."

"It's the only way I will be able to make sure you keep putting food in your mouth."

End of flashback

"I didn't think you actually meant it." Jude said kind of nervous.

"You should know by now I mean everything I say."

"Ok fine. But can we order that pizza instead. I'll ask for two pizzas, I'll get crazy bread, heck I'll get 4 orders of crazy bread. Oh and I'll ask them to cut the pizza into smaller slices so we have more. I'll pay for the whole thing." Jude rambled on trying to change Connor's mind. Connor smiled back at him.

"Wow. You really don't like McDonald's." Jude rolled his eyes as Connor handed him his phone.

"That will be $46.62."

"Dammit." Jude whispered under his breath. Since he only had $10 he had to take the other $36.62 from Mariana's secret slash.

Jude took the food from the delivery guy and set it on the living room table where Connor was.

"How much was it?"

"$46.62." Connor's eyes nearly fell out of his face.

"Why the hell did it cost so much?" Jude rolled his eyes.

"Because you let me order every freakin' thing off of little Caesars' menu." Jude huffed out a breath of air. Connor pulled him down next to him and gave him a kiss.

"Calm down, I'll pay you back."

"Don't worry about paying me back. Just help me come up with $36 before Mariana realizes it's missing."

"Ok now let's eat."
Jude had managed to eat 10 slices while Connor only ate around 3. Connor sat on the couch while Jude laid his head on Connor's lap.

"You didn't have to eat all that." Connor said as he played with Jude's hair.

"I know."

"How do you feel?"

"Like I just ate enough food for 2 months." Connor laughed then continued to play with Jude's hair.

"Wanna watch a movie?" Connor asked. Jude nodded and stood up.

"I'll get the popcorn." Connor pulled him back down.

"You just ate 10 slices of pizza and 2 whole bags of crazy bread. I'm afraid if you eat anymore you'll explode."

"I'm making the popcorn for you. It's not a jonnor movie if I'm not stealing your popcorn."

"Jonnor?" Connor smirked. Jude blushed.

"Yea it's our ship name. Mariana came up with it a long time ago."

"Why haven't you told me about it."

"Because I didn't know if you would like."

"Well I do, It's adorable." Connor kissed Jude. "Now go get my popcorn." Jude smiled before getting up and making popcorn.
Jude sat down next to Connor holding the popcorn while Connor threw a blanket over them.

About an hour in, Jude had fallen asleep on Connor's shoulder. He glanced at the clock. The time was 1:37am.

"Jude?" Connor said.

"Hm?" Jude hummed with his eyes closed.

"Let's go upstairs."


"Because it's late and the couch isn't as comfortable as it looks."

"Ok." Jude sat up and Connor stood up. Jude put his arms up and out. "Carry me?"

Connor rolled his eyes. He let Jude get on his back then walked upstairs. Connor ended up tossing Jude off his back onto the bed.

Connor rolled him over then climbed in next to him. He gave Jude a kiss before pulling up the blanket and drifting off to sleep.

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