Starry Night

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"I lost track of time." Jude tried to defend himself from his moms.

"Then I guess we're going to lose track of time when you're done being grounded." Stef crossed her arms.

"That's not fair."

"Jude you're not gonna punch a kid, get suspended from school, then miss curfew. You're grounded." Lena held out her hand. "Phone."

Jude dug into his pocket for his phone. He forced a smile as he placed it in Lena's hand. "Go upstairs and bring us your iPad and laptop."

"As you wish." Jude marched his way to his room. He ran his electronics back to his moms then went back to his headquarters.
"My moms are gonna kill me if they catch you here." Jude said opening his window.

"Then why'd you call me over here at 2am?" Connor climbed through the window.

"I needed a hug." Jude spoke truthfully.

"You woke me up at 2am and had me sneak into your house, all for a hug?" Connor clarified.

"Pretty much." Jude nodded.

"You're lucky I love you." Connor bundled Jude in a hug. "Why'd you want a hug?"

"I had to get one last hug in before I'm on full lock down for two weeks."

"It won't be that bad. The time will go by faster than you expect."

"Stop lying." Jude muffled into Connor's shoulder. Connor laughed.

"Come with me." Connor grabbed Jude's hand.

"Where are we going?"

"We're going out for ice cream."

"Ice cream? At 2 in the morning?"

"If you can wake me up at 2am, I can get ice cream."

"What about my moms?"

"We'll be back before they notice." Connor smiled before opening Jude's window again.
"Do you know why I love the stars?" Connor asked holding Jude who laid his head on Connor's shoulder. The boys walked through the park on their way to the nearest ice cream parlor. Jude shook his head. "No matter if it's a stormy sky or clear sky, they always seem to spell out your name."

"You want me to buy you ice cream don't you?" Jude knew what the cheesy choice of words was for.

"You know me so well." Connor smiled.

"Fine." Jude sighed.

"Yay." Connor cheered with a wide grin. He connected his lips with Jude's. "I love you." Connor stared into Jude's sparkling eyes.

"I love you too." Jude spoke sincerely back.
"Hey Connor." Daria said in a long flirtatious voice as she waved.

"Ok now I know you're following us." He crossed his arms.

"How could you think that?" Daria tried asking the obvious.

"Well for starters, you're at the same ice cream shop as us at 2am. That's not a coincidence."

"Speaking of coincidence, where's Jude?"

"He's inside getting the ice cream."

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