Stressed Out

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"This is too stressful." Jude whined as he flipped through pages of his SAT book from his desk. "I've officially decided that I'm not going to college. It's not like I was gonna get in anyway."

"That's crazy talk. You're the smartest person I know and if any one can pass this test it's you. Just don't think about it so much." Connor took the book away from Jude, then tossed it on the ground.

"That's easy for you to say. You got almost 13 baseball scholarships from like 13 different colleges. You can basically go anywhere while I'll have to probably go to SDCCD because I couldn't pass a freaking test."

"Come sit." Connor made room for Jude on the bed. He cuddled him with his arms. "Just cause I have a scholarship doesn't mean I don't have to take the test. We're both going to kick that test's ass so we can go to NYU like you wanted."

"I thought you wanted to stay here for college." Jude poked his head up.

"I did, but with all my mom drama and having to deal with My dad and Laura, I'd rather be on the other side of the country anyway. Plus NYU has like one of the best baseball teams in the country."

"All this college talk is making me bored."

"I can help with that." Connor leaned down for a kiss. Jude smiled into the kiss.

Connor laid back on the bed tugging Jude down with him. Jude used his arms to hover over Connor. They moved together with each peck. The only thing that could pry these two apart was the sound of Jude's ringing phone.

"Perfect timing." Connor joked while Jude answered his phone.

Phone Convo
J: "Hello?"
L: "Jude. There's been an accident."
J: "What? With who?" 
L: "I rather not say over the phone. Just get to the hospital as soon as you can."
End of Convo

Connor watched Jude's happy/cheerful expression fade out and turn to fear. He kept his sight steady on Jude as he continued to watch the smaller boy crawl off him.

"What's wrong?" Connor asked with concern.

"I don't know, but I gotta go." Jude jumped off the bed running for his car.

"Right, like I'm not going with you." Connor repeated Jude's action following quickly behind him.
"Good you're here." Stef and Lena took turns hugging their youngest.

"What happened?" Jude asked. Connor popped up by his side.

"Before we tell you, you have to promise you'll stay calm." Stef reassured.

Before he said anything, Jude looked down and grabbed Connor's hand for moral support.

"I promise." He said.

"Remember how Callie was suppose to come home tonight?" Jude nodded slightly. "Well it seems she got a little drowsy while behind the wheel and she started to swerved in front of a semi-truck who wasn't able to stop in time." Lena looked at Stef nodding her to go on.

"Callie is here and ok, but she's in a coma. The doctors say it would be an absolute miracle if she wakes up." Jude stopped paying attention to his moms when they first mentioned Callie's name. The room began to spin. Silence was brought upon the four waiting for Jude to respond.

"Jude?" Stef waved her hand in front of his face. Her voice was only an echo to his ears. The remaining three surveyed his ever move cautiously. The only thing that broke the quietness was the scene of two water drops falling down his cheeks.

"Judicorn." Connor whispered more to himself after prevailing Jude into a hug. He tightened the as he listened to his boyfriend cry into his chest.

"Oh Bubba." Lena felt her heart shatter into million of pieces. "Why don't you go for a little walk with Connor while we talk to the doctor. Then when you get back, you can see Callie."

Jude lifted his head; sniffling his nose then nodding. Connor threw his arm across Jude's shoulders. They walked to the elevators.

During their short walk around the weather shifted. Rain, lots of rain pouring from the sky. They moved to sit on top of a small bench covered by something like a canopy.

"Are you cold?" Connor asked as he began to take off his jacket. Jude gave his best sad smile then stopped him.

"I'm ok." Silence dropped between the boys. Just the pitter-patter sound of rain hitting the ground. "Can we go get pancakes?" Jude spoke up.

"Yep and I'm going to make them for you." Connor scooted closer to Jude.

"You don't have to do that." Jude's voice was low and calm.

"I know, but I want to." Connor pulled Jude's hood on then lulled him off the bench. "Now for the fun part, making it back to the car."

The boys ran back to the hospital where Jude's car was parked. He was too anxious to drive, so he tossed Connor his keys and crawled into the passenger seat. Connor drove them back to his house, which they had all to themselves.

"Pick a movie then sit down right here and don't move." Connor forced Jude onto the couch.

"But I don't-" Connor cut his boyfriend off.

"Just trust me on this. Now pick a movie and please pick anything other than "The Fault in our Stars," I can't watch that movie anymore." Jude laughed quietly to himself while Connor smiled then danced off into the kitchen.
"Your favorite." Connor handed Jude the plate of pancakes.

"Thanks, but I don't feel like pancakes anymore." Jude set the plate on the table.

"What's wrong?" Connor asked.


"You just turned down pancakes, which you have never done. Tell me what's wrong."

"I'm, I'm just stressed out. Behind taking the SATs, Getting excepted into a good college, and now this Callie thing I'm going to lose it."

"You just gotta relax. Come cuddle with me and take your minds off things." Judicorn started to let his nerves calm. That is until his phone rang again.

Phone Convo
J: "Hello."

S: "Jude where are you?" Stef's voice sounded frantic.

J: "At Connor's, why?"

S: "You need to get back to the hospital now." Stef ended the call.
End of Convo

Jude's body tensed up again. Connor propped himself up on his arms. "Time to go back to the hospital?" He asked. Jude nodded.

"Then let's go." Connor sat all the way up.

"You don't have to come."

"I know, but I wanna be there for you."

"Fine, Here." Jude reached for his keys and put them in his boyfriend's hand. "You drive. If I drive I might crash into a building."

"Well we can't have that. Now Go, we're wasting time." Connor pushed Jude out the door into the cold rain.

To be continued...

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