Back 2 School

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Jude leaned against his arms as he sat in his desk. His mind seemed to have him focused on everything but his teacher. Each class had been the same routine.

Listening to the teachers try an pronouce names right, rules, more rules, even more rules, teacher listing facts about them, then the bell rings. It never really dawned on him how boring the first day actually was.

The teacher started reciting words from the rule book. Jude carried his eyes over to the clock.  He began to lose less and less focus.

"Ok Jude, this is your classroom." Colleen Jacob told her five year old son. "Wait here for Callie after school and then I'll be here to pick you both up."

"Ok mommy." Colleen smiled and patted Jude on the head.

"Have a good day sweets." She gave him a kiss on the cheek then turned to Callie.

"Come on Callie Ballie, your class is over here."

"Bye Jude." Nine year old Callie waved to her little brother. He waved back then turned to face his class.

The bell rang snapping Jude out of his thoughts. He shoved his papers into his backpack then stood up and walked out the class.
"Hey Judicorn." Connor tossed his arm across Jude's shoulder. Connor turned his head slightly to the left to look at Jude. "Are you ok?"

"Yea why?"

"Because you have a tear rolling down your cheek." Connor wiped it away.

"Oh uh, I was yawning in English and my eyes were watering." Jude figured he probably just started tearing up when he was daydreaming.

"Ok and now the truth."

"That was the truth."

"You know I know when your lying."

"Why can't you just believe me on this?" Jude pulled out of Connor's grip and started to walked away a little irritated. 

"That's the over all basis for this class. We have about twenty minutes before the bell rings, but I'm going to excuse you now." Ms.   Duncan said. Everyone got up, but Jude. He was distracted writing something in his notebook.

"Jude?" He looked up to see everyone gone. "Class is over." he shut his notebook. Jude hugged the notebook as he walked out.

"Will you please talk to me?" Connor asked. Jude stayed silent.

"I do believe you. I just thought you weren't telling the truth because you do this thing when your lying."

"What thing?"

"You look to the left then scrunch your nose up."

"I don't scrunch my nose up."

"Yes you do, and it's adorable." Connor saw something was bothering him.

"I was in class and started thinking about my first day of school."

"Why, Did you start thinking about the possibility of there not being an us."

"No, not that first day. My first first day."

"Like kindergarten first day? Why that far back?"

"I don't know, maybe Because it was the first and only time my mom ever took me to school. It's like the last real memory we had as a family."

"But you still get to have those memories with Stef and Lena."

The bell to head home rang then Jude sighed.

"It's not the same."

Connor could see sadness in Jude's eyes. He slid his hand into Jude's, entwining their fingers. Grabbing Jude's warm hand made him think back to when he first held Jude's hand.

Connor and Jude walked side by side to the beach. Jude was going on about something from school and Connor stared down at their hands that were Only a few centimeters apart.

"They're so close, yet so far away." Connor thought as they walked. He really wanted to hold Jude's hand, but only started dating a month ago. "Is it too soon? I mean we've been dating for a month. That's it, I'm just gonna ask him if I can hold his hand."

He opened his mouth to start speaking but was interrupted by something. He looked down at his and Jude's conjoining hands then up to a smiling Jude. Connor had a confused look.

"You were thinking out loud." Connor cheeks started to go red. "If you wanted to hold my hand, you should've just asked."

"Jude?" Connor asked ending his thought.


"What's the cutest thing I've ever done?"

Jude had to think, what was the cutest thing Connor has ever done?

"Oh uh, when you read, you scrunch your nose up and make the most adorable confused faces."

"I can't help it. I mean why do they have to make books so long and hard to read? It's like they want me to struggle."

Jude laughed. "Now you answer the question, what's the cutest thing I've ever done."

"That's easy, when we're sleeping, you always snuggle up closer to me in the middle of the night and everytime I try to move you scoot closer."

"That's because you're like a giant teddy bear. All warm and cuddly."

"Is that all I am to you, a giant teddy bear?"

"Yea, that's basically the only reason why I'm dating you."

Connor rolled his eyes. "Fine then, I wanna break up."

"You can't get rid of me that easily." Jude put his head down on Connor's shoulder.

"And I don't want to."
Jude laid on his bed reading on his stomach.  Connor laid on his back with his head next to Jude's feet. He was throwing a soccer ball up then catching it.

"Judicorn." Connor said sitting up straight.

"Hmm." Jude turned the page.

"I'm bored." Connor whined. Jude finished the page then closed the book.

"What do you wanna do?"

"I don't know." Connor positioned himself so he was now laying on his back next to Jude.

"That doesn't help."

"Well then give me some ideas."

"Movies, beach, park, go get food, that's basically it."

"None of that sounds fun."

"What about this?" Jude sat on top of Connor then leaned down and kissed him.

Jude pulled his mouth up slightly. "That could be fun." Connor whispered pulling Jude back down.

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