Back to School

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Connor and Jude laid quietly in bed sleeping. Connor lied on his back while Jude had an arm and a leg swung over him.

Connor's alarm went off. He reached his free hand over to turn it off.

"Jude." He let his eyes close again.


"We have" Connor dozed off.

"To what?" Jude mumbled.

"Get ready for school." Jude had fallen back to sleep. They both continued to sleep, but were interrupted shortly after.

Connor opened his eyes again, slamming his hand down on the clock. He tried to sit up but Jude had a good grip on him.

"Jude, wake up."

"I don't want to."

"Well you have to." Connor pushed his sleeping boyfriend off of him. He sat up and rubbed his eyes.

Jude pushed his self up.

"Ow!" Jude looked down at his swollen fingers.

"I could've helped you up."

"I know, but you've been helping me do things all weekend, I going to have to start using my fingers at some point."

"Good 'cause I'm tired of helping you." Jude rolled his eyes.

"Come help pick out a shirt." Connor walked over to his closet. "Should I go with the blue or green flannel?"

"I think you should put in earrings."

Connor poked his head out his closet. He gave Jude a raised eyebrow.

"I haven't wore earrings for almost four years. Plus I don't have any."

"That's where you're wrong. Close your eyes." He dragged himself to the spot in front of Jude. Connor sighed while he hesitantly shut his eyes. He could sense Jude sticking something in his ears.

"Ok open." Connor carried his self over to the bathroom mirror. He looked at the stunning diamond studs in his ears. "Do you like them?" Jude appeared in the corner of the mirror.

"Are you kidding, I love them." Connor pulled Jude forward up next to him."I remembered you said you wanted a pair just like these ones a while ago."

"Look at these ones. They're diamonds."

"There nice."

"Nice? They're perfect and I need them."

"Then get them." Connor reached for the earrings, but a certain price tag caught his eye.

$166.72, where do I get that much money?"

"A Job." Connor turned his head to Jude rolling his eyes. He reached down to grab Jude's hand then yanked him out the store.

"I didn't think you remember that."

"I remember everything."

"Do you remember when I got my ears pierced?"

"Of course I do. It all started with...

"Your dad is gonna kill you." Jude said. Him and fourteen year old Connor walked through the mall.

"He will not. He'll just think of it as me expressing my individuality."

"Really? Spell individuality."


"Don't hurt yourself."

"Your so mean."

"I'm not mean, I just like to make fun of you."

Jude tried to warn Connor of all the bad things that could happen, but he had his mind set. He even some how ended up letting Connor squeeze the life out of his hand as they drilled a needle into his ear.

It all seem to go well, that is before he went home. Connor suffered through two hours of his dad yelling and lecturing him. After that, his dad cooled off a little but he was still...

"Grounded and you had to go a whole week without seeing me."

"Don't remind me. Now come stand right here, I got you something too." Jude stood in front of him and faced the mirror. Connor pulled a small box of his pocket then handed it to Jude.

Inside was a necklaces with a 'C' charm. It had a sign diamond embroidery. Connor wrapped his arms around Jude to grab it out the box. He put it around Jude's neck.

"This way, you always know your mine." Connor whispered.

"Trust me, I already know." Jude turned to face Connor then swung his arms around him.

"You know I'd love to stay like this all day, but if we don't start getting ready we're gonna be late."

Jude pulled out of the hug. 
"Remember the first day we met?" Jude asked as they walked. Connor swung their arms back and forth.

"You mean the day I met my Judicorn, other half, soul mate, my pancake lover, my short stack? I can hardly remember." Jude rolled his eyes as he glanced over at Connor.

"I'm kidding, I remember it 100%."

"Good, and I'm not a short stack."

"Oh sorry, you're my adorable short stack."

"Just shut up and tell the story."

"Ok, It was the second, no third day of sixth grade....

Jude walked down the hallway of his new school. Seeing everyone so much taller than him was new. Going to a charter school didn't exactly help either.

He nerves got the best of him. He walked faster to make it to class on time. Looking down at the ground as he passed the other students.

He was just about to reach his class when *BAM* he bumped into a boy slightly taller than him. They both fell back onto the ground.

"Oh sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going." Jude said in a small panic.

"That was my bad, I have a tendency of being a klutz." Connor helped him up. "I'm Connor."

"Jude." Jude grabbed Connor's reaching hand then shook it.

"Are you new here?"

"How could you tell?"

"Because you have Mrs. Jackson for first period and her class is in the opposite direction you're going."


"Come on, I have her too. I'll walk with you."

Jude nodded. They started for Mrs. Jackson.

"So what made you change schools?"

"I got moved out of my old foster home and into a new one and this school is closer."

"You're a foster kid?" Jude nodded his head nervously slow. "That's cool."

Jude felt a giant weight lift off his shoulders. Then he let a smile play on his face.

They entered the class room with everyone staring at them. A curly headed girl staring Jude down particularly.

"Come sit in the back with me?" Connor sort of demanded more than asked.

"Sure." Connor smiled and...

"Then we went the rest of the day getting to know each other." Connor finally finished the story.

"I could've told it better."

"You wish." He smirked.

The boys stopped in front of their school. They took a good look from bottom to top. The school held so many memories, good memories, and they weren't ready to lose those.

"Ready?" Connor over at Jude.

"As I'll ever be." Connor took a deep breath then started to move forward towards the school.

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