Sibling Love

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"I haven't seen or talked to you in three days and all you want to do is sleep?" Connor questions as Jude collapses on his bed.

"I've been up for the past forty-eight hour finishing some stupid ten page essay on the freaking renaissance time." His words were muffled by the pillows he had his face buried in. "Why would I need sleep?" He notes with sarcasm.

"You're so sarcastic when you're tried."

"Oh really, I haven't noticed." He said through the pillow.

"If you're so tired, why didn't you just stay home and sleep?" Connor asked plopping down next to Jude.

"Because your bed is comfier than mine." Jude mentions. Connor observed Jude while he spoke with his eyes closed.

"Can I paint your nails?" Connor curiously asked playing with Jude's fingers.

"If it means you'll leave me alone, then go for it." Jude sort of mumbled.

"Yay! I'll be right back." He dropped Jude's hand then got up and left the room. He walked across the hallway to another room.

"Hey Sophie." He greeted Laura's daughter, who he was suppose to be watching. She lowered her iPad to focus on Connor. "Wanna help me paint Jude's nails?"

Sophie's face lit up like a Christmas tree. She nodded her head rapidly then jumped to her feet. She grasped his hand and dragged him to her closet. She pointed to an old shoebox in at the top. "Why's it way up there?" Connor inquired.

"Mommy says I'm not allowed to use it without her, so she puts it where I can't reach." Sophie says in her cute six year old voice.

"Well she's not here. So come on." Connor started walking to his room while Sophie followed. He sat down on the bed then pulled her to the other side. "Ok, I'll do this hand and you do that one." Connor instructed. She bobbed her head up and down in response then they went to work.

"Let's have a competition. If I paint do a better job with painting Jude's nails, you have to clean my room." Connor announces.

"Fine, but if I win you have to make me an ice cream sundae." Sophie agrees with her own wager.

"You drive a hard bargain, but deal." Connor officially declared.

Connor finished painting Jude's pinky shortly after Sophie was done. She was back in her room with her attention focused on her iPad again. Less than five minutes later, he heard faint snores coming from Jude. He pulled his blanket over Jude's body then turned out his light. It was still daytime, so that didn't do much.

Connor played on his Play Station with his back propped against the wall. Jude slept on the side of him, barely making a noise. The sun was beginning to set around 4:30.

Jude rolled over placing his head on Connor's chest. At first, it startled him, then he relaxed and scooted towards Jude without waking him.
"You let a six year old paint my nails?" Jude asked raising an eyebrow.

"Well I had to let her do something. Besides, they don't look that bad." Connor states looking over Jude's blue and purple nails. "Sophie!" He yelled.

The little girl came running into the room. She stood at the edge of the bed staring them down with her big, round green eyes. He patted the available space next to him. When she sat, Connor turned back to Jude. "We need you to look at your nails carefully and choose what hand looks the best. Team purple or team blue."

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