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That night when I went to bed I had another flashback.

I was living with Hurlbutt as a little kid.Olive and Matilda were mean to me as much as she was and I was miserable. We lived in a dump. In a dark, scary neighborhood with shootings and stuff.

On the first night I lived there I woke up crying for my parents. Miss.Hurlbutt ran into my little mat corner where I slept. I told her that my parents could have lived, that just because they fell into the water didn't mean they died, everyone just thought they did. She laughed evilly and said that they were dead, and I'll never see them again. That they died when they fell in the water and that their bodies drifted out sea so no one found them. That's what the police said.

But I always had that hope inside me, that they didn't die. That they'd come back and take me home and we would be a family again. But that hope is gone, no one ever came. They're dead. But I still love them.

But that wasn't the only flashback. I had another one.

Only a week after I was adopted Hurlbutt told me to get in the car. She drove me to the orphanage. I was happy because I thought I wouldn't have to live with her anymore. But I had to stay in the car while she went inside to talk. It was summer, and it was hot. She was in there for hours. I was sweating to death. Finally she came out smiling. She held tons of money.

She yelled about how were rich now and all that on the way home. After that we moved to a nice house in a better neighborhood, and they all got nice clothes and stuff. But they didn't treat me any different, I was still a poor maid girl..

I still don't understand how she went into the orphanage poor and came out rich. She won't tell me. That's why I always try to get in her office. That office has all the answers.


I was trying to get to class the next day without Austin finding me. I was race walking when someone grabbed my shoulder. I almost smacked the person till I saw it was Jewels with Cory beside her.

"Your lucky I almost killed you." I grumbled. "What's wrong with you?" Cory asked. I glared at her. "Oh yea, Hurlbutt....." She mumbled.

"Anyways, Mattie told us that Hurlbutt is going to be gone Saturday night!!!" Jewles squealed. "Can't she keep her mouth shut?" I yelled. "I'm not going to the party." I stated.

"Please?" Cory begged. "Why do you want me to go so bad?" I asked. "Because we kinda want to go with our best friend!!" They yelled. I sighed. "Fine, only because I have nothing better to do."

"Yes!!!!! Thank you!!!" They yelled with delight. I rolled my eyes and walked to class.

After school Cory said she'd take me and Jewels shopping for a halloween costume for Austin's party.

We got to the costume shop.

"Look at all this!!!!" Cory squealed. Jewels ran around looking at everything. They had tons of costumes. From pirate costumes to vampire costumes. They had happy and drop dead scary.

Jewels ran up to me holding a saloon girl dress with feathers all over it. "Try it on!!!" I grinned. She ran to the dressing room. Then I saw Cory run into the dressing room but I couldn't see what she had.

Then I found an ADORABLE 80's costume. It had a white fluffy skirt and a baggy bubble gum pink crop top. Along with neon green fish net gloves and turquoise leg warmers. And tall black boot converse. I grabbed it and bolted to the dressing room.

We all walked out at the same time and looked at eachothers costumes. Jewles was a blue saloon girl dress with feathers and black lace panty hose and black heels. And Cory's was an office lady outfit. Tight grey dress suit and tall heels and glasses along with a work bag.

"I love your costume!!!!!" We all yelled at the same time. We laughed. We all ended up buying those and we left the store laughing at stupid inside jokes.

"Hey, where's Mattie and Liv?" Jewels asked. "Why didn't they come?" "They can't come to the party. Hurlbutt wants them to come to therapy with them." I shrugged.

Cory dropped Jewels off at her house and dropped me off at the school because my car was there.

I got in and remembered something.

Hurlbutt wanted me home an hour ago.

I drove home faster than a tornado. I got home and ran into her room.

"I'm so sorry I completely forgot and- OUCH!!!" Hurlbutt threw her glass at me. It broke all over the floor. "Don't you ever do that again." She said. Her voice scared the pee out of me.

I did all my chores and took care of her and by 8:00 she was asleep. I sighed and went to my mirror in my room. I looked at the bruise on my shoulder where Hurlbutt threw her glass at me. I laid on the bed thinking until I heard the doorbell ring.

I ran downstairs. I opened the door to a very adorable guy in a Pizza Hut uniform. He had a fake mustache and was holding a box of pizza.

"Hello, I'm the pizza guy!" Liam said in his horrible Italian accent.

"Sorry, but I didn't order any pizza." I chuckled.

"Well then here's a delicious free pizza for a very lovely girl." He smiled and his big brown eyes stared into mine.

I blushed. "You know I have a boy friend."

"Hmmmm..... And who is that?" He asked while twirling his fake mustache.

"Well, he's adorable. And sweet, and nice. And has huge brown eyes. Just like yours." I smirked.

"He sounds amazing." He grinned.

"He is, if only he were here." I fake sighed.

Liam took off his mustache and his cap. "Surprise!!"

"I never would have guessed!!" I gasped. We hugged eachother while laughing.

We sat on the porch eating pizza.

"So, how was your day?" Liam smiled. "Eh, I've had better." I shrugged. He reached in to hug me but this time touched my sore spot that Hurlbutt hurt. I flinched.

"Are you okay?" He asked. "Yea, I'm fine." I looked down. He pulled the sleeve of my shoulder and saw my huge bruise. "What happened?" He asked. "Hurlbutt." I sighed. "She threw a glass at me."

He looked worried. "It's okay, you know she hurts me a lot." I said. "I know, but you shouldn't be treated like that. It makes me sick to know she hits you." He said. "Well, not much anymore. And as long as I'm good she doesn't." I shrugged. He looked mad.

"Liam. It's fine." I looked him in the eyes. He kissed me. We kissed. Yep. I don't like to give details but...... It was an ADORABLE moment.

He put his mustache back on and his cap on. "Well, tell you boy friend that he has the best girl anyone could ever have." He said in his fake Italian accent.

"Ok, and I have the best guy any girl could ever dream of." I smiled. He drove off smiling. And I walked inside giggling.

Even when I have the worst day, he makes me smile.

Crap now I sound like some kind of cheesy creep.

Hey I don't know about you but I thought that was so cute!!!!!!

Please PLEASE PLEASE comment!!!!!!!!

I'm like, happy. :)

Well please vote. (:

Toodles poodles 😘

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