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I got to the house and walked in the kitchen while the girls were running around getting ready. As I was cleaning Olive walked in and gasped. "Where'd you get those clothes!"

"Um, thrift shop." I replied. I wasn't suppose to buy my own clothes.

She looked at me for a while in a jealous way. "Ew,whatever lets go." She said. How nice of her. Before we walked out Matilda came in. "What'd you do with Sarah?" She said

"I just did my hair and a little make up that's all." I shyly replied.

We got in the stretch limo and drove to the concert. "If I don't meet Harry I'm gonna kill you, Sarah." Matilda stated. "I'd like to see you try." I snapped. They raised they're eyebrows. Ok so I've never snapped at them before,but I'm sick of them so I had every right. Then Matilda punched me. It's okay, Im used to it.

We got to the concert and I've never seen so many screaming girls. We walked up to the very front row. "Front row tickets?!" My eyes widened. They nodded like it was normal. Well, I guess it is normal for them.

Loud music started, lights flashes everywhere, and the screaming got so loud I think I was going to go dead. Then they came out.

Holy mother of gorgeous they look so much better in real life.

"That's One Direction?" My eyed widened. Matilda and Olive were too busy screaming to notice my question. I smiled at them and enjoyed the concert, no Hurlbutt to ruin everything.


The concert was awesome. They sang really good songs and they were so funny!! "I actually like them!" I smiled as we were leaving the arena. "Back off they're ours." Olive growled. Through the corner of my eye I saw One Direction walking through a hallway. And I guess I wasn't the only one.

"OMG THEY'RE OVER THERE!!!!" A girl screamed. "AAAAH!!!" EVERY single girl was running and screaming towards them. Olive and Matilda drug me with them. I was running down a hallway, but I was more scared than excited.

It's just five extremely hot guys why are we acting like they're food?! I tripped and fell hard on the ground. Groaning in pain, I tried to get up but people kept running on me.

"OUCH! STOP PLEASE? HELP?!" I cried. I got up for two seconds before some snob shoved me unto the ground again, "stay there, you're probably a carrot." She hissed. Sighing, I laid there trying not to cry cause people were stomping on me.

"You know there is someone ON THE FLOOR!" I yelled to the lunatics, but they just ignored me. "I'm claustrophobic," I said quietly, feeling very overwhelmed. I get stressed out and sometimes faint when I get into large, loud crowds like this.

But before I let myself black out with all the drama I felt someone grab my arm and drag me away from the madness.


Once I opened my eyes I was extremely confused. Why am I in this tiny little room? Oh yeah, the fangirl mob.

"Where am I?"I groaned. When I looked to my left one of the guys who was in the concert was staring at me with concern.

My heart stopped, at least that's what it feels like. He had perfect brown hair styled into a quiff, chocolate brown eyes, and the most amazing smile I've ever seen. I was still sitting by the wall, staring at him in awe, not noticing that he was staring at me too.

Finally, he helped me up, a weird, yet wonderful feeling went through me when he took my hand.

"Sorry if I scared you, I saw you getting trampled by all the fans and I thought I'd help you, I know how it is to have crowd anxiety, I'm Liam." He smiled and shook my hand. "I'm Sarah, Thanks." I smiled back. Once again I was left standing there just staring at him like he was a chocolate fountain or something.

I cleared my throat and looked away, but he just looks so perfect.

"Are you a fan?" he asked. " Well actually I don't really know you guys, my "sisters" took me with them. But I love your music now and I think you really hot and crap I just said that out loud." I blushed with embarrassment. "Its okay, love!" He chuckled.

A huge mix of emotions went through me when he called me love, stop it Sarah. STOP.

This room was small, almost too small."So,where are the others?" I asked. "We had to separate in different rooms to hide." He explained. "How bad are you hurt?" He asked. "Pretty bad, some girl stopped on my neck." I rubbed the back of my neck, chuckling a little at the thought of the crazy girls.

"But its okay, I'm used to it. I mean, um, its not that bad!" I tried to fix what I said.

Way to go, slick.

"I wish I could help but there's nothing in this room." Liam frowned. "Its fine." I shrugged.

"So, because we'll probably be in here for a while, tell me about yourself." Liam sat on the ground next to me. "Well, my last name is Best, I don't do much, my parents died when I was little so im adopted, I'm a senior, I'm almost eighteen, and I hate school." I replied. Liam chuckled.

"My last names Payne, I love Toy Story, I'm afraid of spoons, I'm nineteen, and there's a lot more but let's just ask questions." Liam smiled as I laughed. "You're afraid of spoons?" I asked.

"Yep." Liam replied. "That's new." I laughed. "I'm not really afraid of them, they just gross me out. And I bet you have an embarrassing fear." Liam grinned at me. "Nope. I'm mainly afraid of the dark, and a lot of stuff, I'm kind of a baby sometimes." I said sheepishly.

"You seem pretty tuff." Liam looked at me. I stared at him. "I'm a twig."

"I'm kidding." Liam laughed. "You'd have to be crazy to think I'm tuff." I laughed. "Maybe I am." Liam made a stupid face as I laughed at him, I think this might be better than the concert.

After a while of talking and laughing we made sure it was safe to go out. "Well, I have to go find my sisters." I smiled and waved. "It was nice having someone to talk to, bye!" Liam smiled at me, his smile is so adorable. I blushed just at the way he looked at me and walked out. That was perfect.


I smiled and waved as Sarah walked away, still in shock after that.

Her green eyes, light freckles, curly blond hair, her cute little shy smile. Everything about her was breathtaking. But it's not like I'll ever see her again. Frowning at that sad thought, I walked around and finally found the boys by the back door.

"Where were you guys hiding?" I asked. "Me and Louis hid in that closet." Zayn pointed towards a door. "I hid in a room back there." Harry shrugged. "And I tripped and got mobbed." Niall frowned as he slowly walked towards us from a corner he'd been hiding in.

"Sorry, mate." I laughed. Louis patted his back but Niall flinched and groaned in pain. "Security's coming to find us." Zayn said and the boys nodded but I just smiled as I thought about what had just happened.

"What's up with you, Liam?" Louis snapped his fingers in front of my face. "Oh, nothing. I just met this girl." I drifted off in happiness. All the boys 'ooohed' and whistled. "Who was this girl?" Niall asked.

"Her names Sarah, and I helped her when fans were stomping all over her. We sat in a tiny room for a while and talked. She's really nice." I smiled. "Is she pretty?" Harry wiggled his eyebrows. I rolled my eyes.

She's more than pretty, in fact, pretty is an understatement. She obviously doesn't think that about herself, if only she knew.

"She's beautiful."

And they meet. *exciting music plays in background.*

My Cinderella Story (Liam Payne)Where stories live. Discover now