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Hey who wants to know how it feels when you can't log into your wattpad for hours and it says your password is wrong? Well it's happened to me before and I still can't get on that account and I had to quit my book. (The book is called "Full House One direction Style") But I was sobbing cuz I thought I would have to quit my book and I worked so hard on it. But I logged on and it took forever for create to work so I'm very thankful I'm writing right now. Any ways that scared the living crap out of me. But my accounts still here so yay!!

I woke up from a dream. Liam came and saved me. It was wonderful, but I woke up and I'm still here. I sighed and tried to get used to the pitch black darkness. No use. I started to cry. I cried louder cause I can't take it anymore.

"SHUT UP!!" I heard from upstairs. For some reason that made me cry more. I sobbed. Then Al ran downstairs and threw something at my head. I screamed in pain as he stomped back upstairs. That hurt really bad.

I laid on the ground until I heard something. I got up and looked around. I got closer to the sound, it was by the vent. I could barely see it, it's a turtle!! What else got in here from outside? That thought scares me.

"GET UP NOW!!" Hank yelled and he drug me upstairs. "Go scrub the floor." He demanded. I got a bucket and sponge and scrubbed. As I scrubbed I felt a sharp pain in my back. "OUCH!!" I yelled as he whipped me. This hurts horribly......

I never thought I'd say this but, I want to go home. Where my sisters are, and my horrible mom. They're evil, and I can't stand them. But it's way better than this. At least Hurlbutt whipped me a few times then walked off! this guy won't give up. I guess it's not really my home, but it's my house. And I'll find my home someday, I'll just have to wait.

"QUIT DOZING OFF AND SCRUB!!" He yelled as he whipped me as hard as he could. I collapsed on the ground. "Forget it I'll get someone else, Al bring another girl out here!!" He yelled as he threw me back down stairs.

I landed in the middle of the stairs and moaned in pain. I cried as quietly as I could, but it's hard. This is more pain than I ever thought I'd get, I hope Jewels and Cory can take it.

Liam's POV.

All I can think about is Sarah. What if some creep kidnapped her? What if she's lost? What if she's not ali-. I tried not to think about that. The boys are worried too. None of us can concentrate on anything. Interviews, concerts, nothing. Were nervous wrecks.

"Who wants to go look for them?" Niall asked. "What's the point?" Harry snapped. "They could be closer than you think, you never know." Zayn said. "He's right, let's go." I said. We put our jackets on and left the flat.

We walked around our neighborhood, and the route that we take to get to Sarah's house. All the houses looked nice, we even knocked on the doors and asked the neighbors questions. I don't think they appreciated that. We searched all day for them. We searched everywhere.

"Guys look!" Louis yelled as we looked around a neighborhood. We all ran towards him. "Their phones." He quietly said. All three were scattered on the ground. I picked them up. It was their phones alright.

"They've been stolen......" I whispered. "It's not like they all just happened to drop them, some one threw them."

"Well, at least we know what happened." Zayn frowned. "Let's go the car." Harry said. We all walked to the car and I put my head down. Niall came and patted me on the back.

"We'll find them. I promise."

Sarah's POV

"STOP BEING SUCH A BABY!!" Jim screamed. "NOW GO TAKE CARE OF THE WASPS NEST OUTSIDE!!" "Y-yes sir." I said. He followed me to the backyard. I looked around, it's all fenced in. I think were in the country, it's quiet and empty out here. But it has this creepy, death kind of feel. "Now go kill em." He said. "How?" I asked. "JUST DO IT!!" He punched me and walked inside.

I can climb the fence and run away, but what about Jewels and Cory? I'll get the police and we'll come here. I just have to figure out how to get back to town and remember my way here. I ran to the metal fence.

I grabbed a wire and tried to climb. I grabbed another and got higher, and higher.....

"HEY!!" Jim saw me shot at me with his gun. "AH!" I screamed and fell off the fence. He missed, but the ground hurts. He yanked me up by the air.

"Remember how we said they're would be punishment?" He asked evilly. I stood there, frozen. He drug me inside and threw me on the floor.

"You don't try to escape!!" He kicked me in the stomach. "You listen to us next time!!" He kicked me all over. "OR I WILL DO WORSE!!" He kicked me right in the face with his boot.

Everything went black.

Jewels POV

I can hear Sarah getting hurt. She must've tried to escape. I don't blame her, I know she would come back for us. I sit here with tears running down my face. I'm covered in scars. I finally know how Sarah feels almost every day. How does she not run away? It feels terrible. "Come with me." Al grabbed my arm and drug me to the back yard. "Try to leave and you'll get the same treatment as the other girl." He growled. He told me to get rid of a wasp nest.

I'm allergic to wasps.

"But, sir. I-I'm allergic." I stuttered. "Too bad." He smacked me and walked in. What am I supposed to do? I took a stick and got close to the nest. I picked up the nest with my stick and threw it over the fence.

And then I ran like heck.

The wasps chased me, two stung me. I screamed in pain and ran inside. "I'm done." I said. It's hard to breathe. He could tell I'm swelling up. He threw an inhaler at me. I guess he doesn't want to take care of a dead girl.

I got shoved in my room and used the inhaler. I cried as I swelled up. At least I can breathe now.

Cory's POV

What's going on outside? I hear screams. If he killed one of them so help me I will burn his flesh. If he doesn't burn mine first. I wouldn't be surprised.

"Go make dinner." Hank opened the door. I walked into the grubby kitchen. Jewels was in there. I hugged her. "Where's Sarah?" I ask. "They hurt her, bad." Was all she said. I cried as we made the food. I noticed she was red and puffy, but we aren't really allowed to talk so I didn't ask. We made them food and they ate it. They disgust me.

"Go back to your rooms." They said. We walked to our rooms. I fell asleep to the sound of them yelling at each other, I think they're fighting. Oh well......

Sarah's POV

I woke up in the basement and remembered what happened, I'm covered in blood. My blood. I checked and I'm not bleeding anymore, that's good. I heard yelling coming from upstairs. It was the old ugly guys. This can't be good.

"YOU DONT DESERVE TO LIVE HERE ANYMORE!!" I heard a gun shot. What's going on? I walked upstairs and the door was unlocked, he must've forgot to lock it.

I sneaked through the hallway and peaked into the living room. I gasped. Hank has a bullet through his forehead. He was pale, and blood was all over his face. The other guys were putting him in a giant trash bag. They carried him outside and I looked through the window. They threw him in the forest.

My jaw was on the floor. They just killed their roommate and threw his body in a forest. I'm full of fear now. I ran back to the basement before they could see me.

Only two guys now, we can escape easier.

I fell asleep again, but not peacefully, I don't think I can sleep peacefully ever again. I thought about Liam, I wonder if he's worried about me. Does anyone know I'm missing? Jewels and Cory's parents must be worried sick. I feel bad for them. I feel and for me.

All of a sudden I had a sharp pain in my side. There's a huge bruise there. I groaned and tried to sleep. But then I felt something crawl over me. I screamed. It's a rat. UGG. How many freakin animals are in here?! I walked to the stairs and tried to sleep there. It was uncomfortable but I felt safer. Which is weird, because right now,

There is no safe.


I have a lot in store for the next chapter, kinda.

Yea so Wattpads being stupid.

Well comment and vote please, bye!(:

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