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Thank goodness it's a Saturday cause if I go to school I just might die. I walked downstairs to make everyone breakfast. Olive and Matilda were sitting at the table awkwardly.

"Hurry up. Brat." Hurlbutt said as she did her gross nails. "So darlings, what are you doing today?" Miss.Hurlbutt asked Olive and Matilda. "Just going to Aubrey's." Matilda said. I clenched my fist. "Sounds fun, but be back before dark." Hurlbutt said. I fed them breakfast.

"I'm goin shopping, clean the whole house for me." Miss.Hurlbutt said while walking out the door. I nodded and got my cleaning supplies. Maybe I can go to Liam's and walk Teddy. I thought. Wait. Never mind.

A tear fell down my cheek as I scrubbed the stairs. I cleaned all day and when I was done I called the vet.

"Is Teddy getting better?" I asked. "He's still the same. We've treated his burns but he's still so sick." The vet said. "Ok, well thanks. Call me with any more news." I hung up and frowned. Hurlbutt won't be back for a few hours. I'm gonna go see Jewels and Cory.

Jewels house was closest so I went there first. I knocked on the door. "Hello Sarah, Jewels is grounded. Sorry but you can't talk to her." Jewels mom said. "Please?" I asked. She sighed. "Be quick." I ran up to her room.

"Sarah!" She yelled as she drug me in her room and shut the door. "What's happened? You look stressed." Jewels said. "Teddy might die, everyone's bullying me, and oh yea liamandigotinafight." I said. "What?" She asked. "Liam and I got in a fight!" I cried. "WHAT?! HOW!!!!!" Jewels yelled. I told her about it. "I'm sorry..." She hugged me. I told her about school and Teddy. "Well atleast you found Teddy." She said. I shrugged.

"And I will beat up everyone at school when I get back." Jewels looked mad. "Thanks." I smiled. "Girls, Sarah needs to go." Jewels mom opened the door. "Bye." I waved and left.

Next is Cory. I drove to her house. Her parents aren't as strict so they let me go in and talk for a while. "THATS HORRIBLE!!!" Cory yelled as she hugged me. I told her everything. "Liam really likes you, he'll say sorry." She said. "I don't know." I looked at the floor. "But I really needed to talk to you and and Jewels, everything's been horrible." I shrugged. Cory hugged me again.

"See you in two weeks." She said as I left. Those words hurt. I can't wait that long.

I drove home and Hurlbutt still wasn't there. So I watched tv. Finally everyone got back. It was just yelling orders at me.

"Put my bags away. Make dinner." Blablabla. Was all I heard. Olive and Matilda won't talk to me so I don't have to worry about them. I fixed dinner and went to bed. Tomorrow's the same, cleaning, crying, and hurting.


Monday already. Sigh. I got dressed and fed Hurlbutt and left. I could make a mean nickname for Hurlbutt, but she already has one. ITS ALREADY HER REAL NAME. I got to school. More taunting. The same old crap I have to put up with everyday now.

Some kid shoved me to the ground. "What was that for?!?" I yelled. He turned around. "For being you."


I brushed it off and went to class. Before it started Aubrutt walked up to me. "So, I heard you and Liam got in a little fight. Looks like he's mine now." She smiled. I glared at her as she walked away.

On my way to my lonely lunch table I tripped over someone. "Oops, my bad!" She laughed. I rolled my eyes. I sat alone and ate. But it's better than anyone else here, I rather eat alone then eat with these jerks.

After Science was music. I got there as late as I could and completely pretended Liam wasn't there. I could feel him staring at me. Class started and we actually learned. I looked at everyone but Liam. But why could I feel him looking at me?

After class I immediately left. I drove home and cleaned and got yelled at by Hurlbutt. I laid on my bed and thought about that night Liam dresses up as a pizza guy and surprised me. I smiled.

No don't smile. I told myself.

I heard laughter and saw Matilda, Olive, and Aubrey walk by. Aubrey smirked at me evilly. I buried my head in my pillow and fell asleep.

I want today to be over.

These chapters are awful depressing aren't they?

Sorry about that.

I have nothing to say but,


Sorry if I seem bitter but I only have 17 and my family is making me want to shoot myself.

It's true there annoying and mean.

But I guess every family is like that.

Well don't forget to vote, bye!

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