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"You go to school, and come back. If your not home at 3:30 I will beat you senseless." Hurlbutt said as I made her breakfast. "Yes mam." I said quietly. "Here's your food, good bye." I said as I left. "Remember what I told you!!!" She yelled as I walked out the door.

Brrr... It's cold outside. Mid November is always bitter and dark. Sigh.

"Hey." I smiled as I ran into Anna. "Sorry I've been ignoring you. I was just upset." She apologized. "It's okay. I understand." I say. We walked into school when Anna asked, "Wanna go to my house this afternoon?"

"Sorry, but I'm grounded." I frown. The bell rang and we went to class. "Hey, so I heard you and Liam are back together. He must've felt sorry for you. That's why." Aubrey smirked. That's it.

"You know what? I feel sorry for YOU." I said. "Excuse me?" She asked. Her little friends surrounding her looked shocked. "Yea. You must have a really bad life if you treat everyone like this." I stand up. "I have a perfect life." She rolled her eyes. "Well usually when people make fun of others, they usually do it to make them feel better about themselves." I said. She looked upset. Like she knew it was true. "Whatever. Let's go girls." She snapped her fingers and walked off.

I actually kinda stood up to her. Wow.

Class was stupid. But it always is, it's math. The whole day Aubrey didn't talk to me. Today has been good. It would be better if Jewels and Cory weren't suspended. I walked to music class and talked to the boys.

"Hey, do you want to come to our concert Saturday night?" Liam asked. "I'd love to, but I'm grounded." I said. They all frowned. "Maybe you could sneak out!" Louis smiled. "I don't know, guys. You know Hurlbutt would kill me if I snuck out. And it's wrong." I said. "What's so wrong about it? I mean, Hurlbutt's a jerk, right?" Niall asked.

Wow. He's right. "Well yeah, but what if she found out?" I asked. "Well, does she ever come to check on you?" Zayn asked. "No." I replied. "You see, she'd never know!" Harry said. I thought.

She never checks on me. And I'd only be gone for a few hours. "But what if she needs me to do chores?" I ask. "Get every single chore done. So that there's absolutely nothing you can do!" Liam smiled.

"I guess. But your picking me up!" I said. "Yay!!!" They cheered. Class started.


"I'm home." I sighed as I walked upstairs to put my bag up. "Good, but your 2 minutes late." Hurlbutt growled. "It's called traffic." I said. "DONT SASS ME." She threw a glass at me. "You're running all our glasses you know!" I said as I rubbed my leg where she hit me. "Just do your chores, brat." She said. I cleaned and cook and all that stuff.

"Where's Olive and Matilda?" Miss.Hurlbutt asked as I scrubbed the floor. "I don't know." I replied. "We'll tell them to come home!" She yelled at me. I texted them what she said.

Hurlbutt said to come home, like now. I texted them.

Um, our car kinda uh, broke down.
Matilda answered.

Okay, I'm coming.

The girls car broke down, I'm going to get them." I said as I grabbed my keys. "Hurry back. Im starving!!" She yelled. I drove to the coffee shop where they told me they were. This is going to be an awkward ride home.......

I saw there car being towed as I walked in the shop. "Hey guys let's g- oh..." I stopped when I saw Aubrey sitting by them at a table. "Why is she here?" I tried to ask nicely. "Oh, she's just coming home with us." Olive said. "Oh." Was all I said. "Were gonna finish our coffee. You can um, sit over there." Matilda said. I shrugged and sat at the bar.

"Can I help you?" A pretty waitress with brown hair asked. Her name tag said "Mary" and I remember her from last time I was here. She had freckles like me, but hers were brown. She had blue eyes and her hair was curly.

"No thanks, I'm just waiting on them." I pointed to the snobs laughing. "Oh, they seem mean." She said. "They are, and two of them are my sisters." I sighed. "That's horrible, I'm so glad I don't go to your school." She said. "Yea, they're pretty mean." I said.

"Let me get you free hot chocolate!!" Mary smiled. "Really? Okay." I smiled back. She mate me some hot chocolate and she sat down. We talked for a while. "What's your name?" She asked. "Oh, I never told you that? Sarah." I chuckled. "I'm Mary. But I think you know that." She laughed.

"Come on Sarah, let's go!" Matilda yelled. "Well, it was nice talking to you. Bye!" I waved. "Bye!" Mary smiled.

They all crammed in the back seat and I drove. Every time I glanced in the mirror I would see Aubrey glaring at me. "Nice car, it looks like a pumpkin." She snorted. Just because it's a small round slug bug and it's old doesn't mean it looks like a pumpkin.

"It was blue until I kinda accidentally drove into a stack of orange paint in the garage." I said. She laughed. But it was a mean laugh. "Ew."

We got home and they all piled out of the car. I got out and followed them in.

"Are my sweet baby's okay?!" Hurlbutt hugged Matilda and Olive. "Were fine, it's not like we were in a wreck. The car just broke down." Olive said. "I know, but you had to ride with Sarah! How horrible!!" She said. I glared and walked off. "Dinners on the stove!" I yell. I'm going to my room all night.

I flopped on my bed and sighed. I got on my phone to text Liam but was interrupted when someone knocked on my door.

"We need your help." Aubrey wouldn't even look me in the eye. "My help? For what?" I asked. "Just come!" She sounded irritated. "Fine." I sighed as I walked out of my room. I followed her down stairs and we walked out the front door.

"What do you guys need out here?" I asked. "What could you possibly do in this cold weather?" I ask. "Nothing. Later loser!!!" Aubrey ran inside and shut the door. "NO!!" I screamed as I ran to the door. It's locked. "Seriously?!" I yelled.

Just because I said something to her today, doesn't mean she has to do this. I looked through the window, Hurlbutt's asleep. I noticed she's been getting a little chubby. That means less exercise, and less moving, less caring. I'm gonna have to feed her more.

Well, Hurlbutt's gonna be asleep for a while, cause when she goes to sleep usually I have to wake her up. She'll sleep for days. So I'm going to Liam's. It's cold and I have no where to go. I went to my car but it's locked. Dangit the keys are in the house!!!! I guess I'm walking. Yay.

I really wish I brought a jacket. It's windy too. I'm NOT in a good mood. While I was walking I tripped over a tricycle. "Hey that's mine!!" A little girl screeched. "Shut up kid!" I yelled. What? Like I said I'm mad! Just because I said my life's like Cinderella doesn't mean I act like a freakin princess!!


"Sarah?" Zayn asked as he opened the door. "You look- happy." He said sarcastically. "My sisters friend locked me out in the cold so I walked here. I wouldn't say anything rude." I said. He stared at me. "Okay....." "Liam! Your girlfriends here! And she is in a mood." Zayn grinned. I glared at him.

"Sarah! What's wrong?" Liam asked as he sat next to me in the couch. I told him everything. "Awwww looks like you need a hug!!" Liam hugged me tight. "Thanks." I smiled. "I want a hug too!!!" Louis screamed as he jumped on top of us. "Louis, get off." Liam said. Louis pouted. "Aw Louis just wants a hug!" I said as I hugged him. Louis stuck his tongue out at Liam. I laughed.

"HEYY!!" Niall yelled as him and Harry walked through the door. "Hi." I smiled as they all sat down. We all talked for a while and got on the subject of the night me and Liam crashed a party.

"So, what was the point of squealing "OMG YOUR LIAM PAYNE!!" Niall asked. "To get attention." I said. "Well, you could've done something else. I mean that could've blown Liam's cover. And all you did was throw eggs and silly string?" Niall shook his head. "Are you saying that we can't prank people?" Liam asked. "Yep." Niall answered. "Well then.....why don't we just prank you." I say.

"Um, you shouldn't of said that, now I know what your going to do." Niall rolled his eyes. I glared at him. "Oh! The pizzas here!" I yelled. "What? I didn't hear the bell ring." Niall said. "He knocked, and you were too busy insulting me to hear it. If you go to the door you can eat it all." I said. "I'm not falling for that." Niall said. That's when I heard and actual knock.

Who the heck could be knocking? Oh well it's perfect timing. "Hear it now? Go get it!" I yell. I followed Niall to the door. He opened it and no one was there. "But-" "HOPE YOU LIKE THE COLD NIALLER!!!" I shoved him outside and locked the door. Everyone cheered. "Okay, who knocked on the door?" I asked. Then I saw Harry sneak through the bald door. "Your welcome." He grinned.

I looked out the window and saw Niall standing in the cold. "I told you I was mad." I said. But Niall looked so, sad. "UGG fine!!" I opened the door. "Come in." I sighed. He skipped in like the leprechaun he is.

"Thank you!" He hugged me. I laughed and hugged him back. "It's been fun, but I have to go. Maybe then the door will be unlocked." I said. "Who wants to drive me home?" I asked hopefully. Everyone said "I'm tired." Or "but, the car is so far away." Except Liam, who said he'd take me.

"That was interesting." He said while we drove home. "What was?" I ask. "Your attitude. I've never seen that side of you before." Liam grinned. "Sorry, but there it is. My dark side." I said in a creepy voice. "Did you know you're really funny?" Liam laughed. "Uh, duh." I joked. "So, have you gotten any news I about Teddy?" Liam asked. "The same as always, he's not getting any better." I sighed. "Don't worry." Liam smiled. We pulled in. "Are you sure Hurlbutt won't hurt you?" He asked. "Yea, she's asleep. She's been kinda lazy lately." I said. Liam laughed. "Good, bye!" He smiled. I smiled back and went to the porch.

Yay the doors unlocked!!! Hurlbutt's still sleeping on the couch. "Where have you been?" Matilda asked. "At the boy's flat, I had no where else to go because Aubrey locked me out!" I said angrily. "Oh, well she's gone now." She said. "Good." I huffed as I stomped upstairs.

I walked up to my room. It was trashed. Clothes everywhere. Paper, even leaves! My bedding was on the floor and my curtains were ripped. I ran to my closet and checked my box. I sighed in relief. It was still hidden with all my special stuff. Aubrey did this. She wrecked my room. Luckily I have no secrets hidden but in that box. A diary would be so easy for my sisters to ruin my life and in my opinion so clichè. I began cleaning my room.

I opened my window and threw out the leaves. It was freezing. Winters coming soon. I hummed as I vacuumed and put my clothes away and fixed my bedding. I'll have to sew the curtains, I don't want to buy new ones.

I flopped on my bed and instantly fell asleep thinking,

Aubrey's gonna die.

Wow it's been like 3 days since I updated WOAH.

I'm so proud cuz I update too much.

So how's it goin? Lolz no one comments so never mind.

Seriously it's not rocket science COMMENT!!!

So, I was thinking wether or not Teddy should die.

I mean if he lived it would be tots obvi. Lol I sound like a snob.


So comment what you think!


Vote!!! Bye!!(:

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