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I woke up feeling gross and sore. I took a quick shower and got dressed. Sadly I had to wear a long sleeve sweater and jeans to cover up the bruises Hurlbutt gave me.

I walked down stairs and the rest were sitting at the table waiting for me to cook for them. As I was cooking I told Miss.Hurlbutt I was gonna go get groceries today. "Okay, but get the stuff I actually LIKE." She ordered. I'm actually gonna spend the day with my friends too. I need to get out more often and I'm still getting groceries! "I'm like, so glad it's Saturday!" Olive squealed. "Aubrey is coming over!!!"

Aubrey is the devils child, I swear. She's almost worse than Olive and Matilda. She treats me like I'm the maid. Oh wait, I am. I heard the door slam. "I'm here! You're lives just got better!" She yelled. This is gonna a fun morning. She walked in.

"Don't you think it's a little rude to barge in like that?"I said.

"Don't you think it's a little rude to go around with that face?" She snapped back.

She scowled at me. "So girls, what are we doing today?!" She asked in a horrible,screechy,voice I can't stand."I don't know yet." Matilda answered. "Sarah, our food?" She snapped. Rolling my eyes, I slammed their food on the table. The whole morning they talked about stuff I couldn't care less about. Finally I was done.
"Don't come back!" Aubrey yelled as I left. "I wish." I mumbled as I walked out the door.

I got to the mall and met Jewels and Cory. I called Jewels and told her about the concert last night so they both knew. "Hey my little celeb meeting bestie!" Jewels said. "Hi." I smiled. "I still can't believe it." Cory squealed, "Well believe it." I grinned . "Sorry I took so long getting here, number one and number two made me cook. Not to mention Aubrey was there." Jewels gagged. She ABSOLUTELY COULD NOT stand her. I think they had past issues.

We stopped at Rue 21 mad walked in. "Hey!" Layla called as she walked near us. "Hi! Guys this is Layla, Layla this is Jewles and Cory." I smiled. "Nice to meet you, so, how are you?" Layla asked. "Good." I said." The concert was great." I told her about it and we exchanged numbers.

"That's awesome! See ya!" She yelled as we left the store. "She's nice." Cory said. I nodded.

Then the WORST possible thing happened. Olive and Matilda were walking by us with Audrey.
"Hey, creeps." Aubrey said. Jewels glared at her. "Hey evil-" "How ya doin?" Cory interrupted.
"Just fine, creamed corn!" Matilda laughed. "Mattie, Liv, and I are just shopping." Aubrey bragged.

I choked. Mattie and Liv? Are they seriously pulling the fake name thing? "Aren't you suppose to be grocery shopping?" Olive asked. "Um...." I began. "You better leave right now or I'm calling mom." She glared. "Sorry guys." I said sympatheticly to Jewels and Cory. I ran out trying not to cry, why do they ruin everything?

I got to the store and of course it was packed so I had to park down hill. Hurlbutt made me a huge list so I got a whole cart full and was trying to get to the car before it started raining. Being the klutzy idiot I am, I tripped and stumbled down the hill with the cart and landed on the cement.

"Owww...." I moaned as it started pouring down rain. How accurate. I heard footsteps as someone got closer and helped me off the ground. I brushed myself off and looked up to see who it was. It was Liam. "Are you okay?" He asked. "Yeah," I coughed, "Thank you." I smiled gratefully.

He smiled back as I started putting bags in my car. "Let me help." He said as he started helping. "Nice to see you agian, Sarah." He smiled. "You remember me?" I asked. "Yes, I saw you just last night." He laughed,

"Oh, nice to see you too." I smiled. "Thanks so much." I said as we finished. "You're welcome." Liam smiled as I got into my car.

"Bye!" I tried starting my car, but it wouldn't work. "Are you freaking kidding me?" I knew this junky peice of crud would break down. Sighing heavily, I rested my elbows on the steering wheel, what am I supposed to do now?

"Need a ride?" Liam asked as he honked at me when he almost drove off. I rolled down the window and sighed, "thank you." We packed all my bags into his super nice Camaro.

"Sorry for being a pain in the butt, you don't have to help of you ever see me screwing up again," I frowned after I told him where to drive me home. "You're not a pain! I enjoy you're company a lot actually." Liam smiled. "Me too," I smiled back.

"Ill pay to get your car towed." He said while driving. "No! That's too much! I already got your car wet!" I said. "I'm serious, I'm paying." He replied. After a long time of arguing, I finally gave in.

"You're too nice." I rolled my eyes. "Thank you." Liam beamed. "No, seriously. Stop." I said seriously for a minute but started laughing. "I can do stuff for myself you know." I said. "I know, I just want to help you." Liam smiled. "Well thanks." I smiled back. After a while we got to my house.

"Nice house." He said. They may be ugly jerks but let me tell you they are rich. "Thanks, but yours is probably better." I teased. "Bye!" I waved. "I hope I see you again!" Liam called as I walked to the door. I stopped. What did he say? That means so much. But no, he doesn't mean that. When it comes to me, no one could ever mean that.

My Cinderella Story (Liam Payne)Where stories live. Discover now