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"Listen up, because I'm getting to "chubby", I'm going to the gym to work out. So clean up and don't leave." Hurlbutt hissed. "Yes Miss.Hurlbutt." I said. She walked out the door. The house it spotless what the heck is there to clean?

Nothing. Absolutely nothing.......

That's when I got a call from Liam. "Hi." I smiled. "Hey, I was kinda wondering if you um maybe wanted to uh, meet my parents?" He asked nervously. "Really?!" I gasp. "I'd love too!!! When?" I asked excitedly. "In a couple hours." He said sheepishly. "Luck you I don't take long. Why do you sound nervous?" I asked. "Well, I didn't think you'd want to meet them." Liam said. "Of course I do!! I have to get ready, bye!" I hung up.

I put on light skinny jean capris that had sparkles on the edges and a cute light blue shirt that had polka dots and tied at the end. It looked kinda like a cowgirl shirt. I put on sparkly sandal like things and went to the bathroom to finish getting ready.

I had my hair in loose, blond curls and light makeup. I grabbed my phone and walked downstairs. Mattie and Liv were still sleeping when Liam picked me up.

"Hey." I said as I got in his car. "Hi, excited?" He asked. "Well I'm kinda nervous now." I grinned. "Don't worry, they're lovely people." Liam smiled. "Good. I like lovely people." I chuckled. We drove for a while until we finally got to a restaurant out of town. We walked in, it was a nice, big restaurant. The lady led us to a table where two older adults were standing. I'm guessing they were Liam's parents.

"Hello! I'm Mrs. Payne." The nice lady smiled and hugged me. "And I'm Mr.Payne." A nice man shook my hand. "Hello, I'm Sarah." I smiled. "It's so nice to finally meet Liam's girlfriend!" Mrs.Payne said. Liam walked up to us after paying for our table. "Hello, mum." He hugged his mom as she kissed him on the cheek.


He hugged his dad and we all sat down. "So Sarah, how old are you?" She asked. "Almost 18." I said. "That's nice, how is school?" She asked another question. I'm gonna have to lie for this one. "Good." I smiled. "Wonderful, how are you and Liam doing?" Mr.Payne asked. "He's such a handful." I teased. They laughed. "Very good, Sarah is wonderful." Liam smiled. I blushed. "You chose a great girl Liam, smart and funny, and very very pretty." Mrs.Payne said. "Thank you." I blushed. We talked more until we got our food.

"What do you plan on doing after you graduate?" Mrs.Payne asked. After all, I'm graduating this May. But it's only November. "I'm not entirely sure, college, maybe. It really depends." I said. "How are you dealing with all this fame? Paparazzi, rumors. Is it okay?" Liam's dad asked. "Suprisingly, yes. There hasn't been any bad rumors. And the paps haven't been too bad." I replied. "That's great, I'd love to meet your family too sometime." Mrs.Payne said.

I wish she could meet my real family, she'd love them. I know it. "Maybe someday." I smile.

Someday as in never.

We finished eating and left the restaurant. "It was so nice meeting you, we should see other more often." Mrs.Payne hugged me. "You too, I had a great time." I smiled as I hugged them both. "Bye!" Me and Liam said as we drove off.

"They were so nice!" I said. "Good, they really like you." Liam smiled. "Me too." I said. Liam drove us to a nice park. "It's a nice day so I thought we could take a walk." He said. "Okay!" I smiled.

It was beautiful, all the leaves falling. And the flowers. It was the prettiest park I've ever been to. "This is so pretty." I said as we walked down a path holding hands. "I know." Liam looked at me and stopped at the middle of a tiny bridge over looking a beautiful little pond.

Let me just say at this moment everything surrounding us was breathtaking.

"Sarah.." Liam started. "We've been dating for a while, so I thought I would give you this." He knelt down and pulled something out his pocket. He opened a little black case and the most beautiful thing was laying inside.

A ring.

"Before you think I'm proposing, this is a promise ring. So we'll be together forever, no matter what." Liam smiled. "Thank you!!" I squeal. I blushed as Liam put the beautiful ring on my finger. It had diamonds incrested and it sparkled. I love it.

We walked off holding hands. That was wonderful. "Sadly, we have to go." I sighed. "Okay." Liam frowned. We left and drove home. "Today was so much better than I thought it'd be." I said. "Your welcome." Liam said.

Something's up. Liam's acting, weird.

On our way home we stopped at a gas station. We walked inside and got water. Then it started pouring down hard. "Wow, it's raining cats and dogs." I said as me and Liam stood outside under the little roof outside the door. "Yea." Liam said.

"What's wrong?" I ask. "Nothing." Liam said quickly. "Seriously, what is it?" I asked again. Liam sighed and looked at me. He's so perfect......

"Well, when I gave you that ring. It made me think how we could be with eachother forever. But then I thought how that might not happen." Liam said. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Well, our lives. We could stop dating because it doesn't work out, or my career. Or Hurlbutt..... What if something happens to you? And we can't be together." Liam said. My eyes widened.

"Liam, I'll be fine. And I love you. Nothing's going to happen." I said. "What if, you stop loving me....." Liam trailed off. "I would never EVER stop loving you." I stared at him. "Your everything to me, and you know that. Our lives may he rough, but don't worry. We'll stay together. I promise." I said.

Liam smiled. He looked relieved and happy. "Sorry I got worked up about that, I just real like you." He said. "I really like you too." I smiled. The rain died down a little so it wasn't pouring as hard. Liam held out his hand. "Want to dance?" He asked. "What?" I gasped. "Why here? In a parking lot?" I asked.

"Well, there's music from the radio, it seems nice to dance in the rain, and I'm pretty sure you don't want to go home." Liam smirked. "Ok then, yes." I blushed. We walked in the middle of the vacant parking lot and started dancing to the song on the radio. It was a slow song. "Two Pieces" by Demi Lovato. It's a beautiful song. (A/N: You must listen to that song it's really pretty.)

We started slow dancing in the rain. I smiled. It was wonderful. It doesn't matter where we are, anything is beautiful with him. It also touches me how he's afraid of losing me. Usually people I'm around wish I would leave. People like old friends, my new family, so on.......

"I love you." Liam whispered. "I love you too." I whispered back. "One more thing." Liam whispered while we slow danced. "What?" I chucked. "Don't ever forget your beautiful, and the most amazing person I've ever met." He leaned in and kissed me before I could answer.

I stood there, speechless.

He chucked and led me to the car. We were dripping wet but that didn't matter. We drove home. It was silent, but a good silent. Liam would glance over and smile at me while he drove and I would just blush. We got to my house and he ran to my door and opened it for me. "Thank you. For everything. Today was the best day I've ever had." I smiled. "Mine too." He said and we kissed. I walked inside.

I walked past Hurlbutt's room, she's asleep. She must've thought I was in my room. I changed out of my wet clothes into pajamas. I snuggled up in my bed. I thought about my day and realized I was grinning like an idiot. I giggled a little and fell asleep. But before I did I whispered.

"Best day ever."

Okay so I love that chapter cuz it was soooo sweet!!!

Hey if you know of a good Liam fanfic please comment!!!!

I love reading books about Liam!!!

I got in huge trouble yesterday at school for something I didn't do......

Let's just say it made me want to shoot myself. Ugggg.

So, please comment and vote!!!

Love you guys!! Bye (: <3

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