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OMG OMG OMG OMG 1K VOTES!! I FREAKING LOVE YOU GUYS!!! I LOVE EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU!!!!! Go follow @iloveirishmen and @fallbaby2001 THEY VOTED ON ALL MY CHAPS AND THEY ARE BEYOND AWESOME!!! This chapter is dedicated to them! I hope you like this chappie, I do :)

"You still haven't told me who your secret date was." I frowned at Cory as me, her and Jewels studied at her house. "That's not important. Besides, it didn't work out anyway." She looked away after she said that, as if she didn't want me to see the hurt, broken look in her eyes.

Brushing it off, I threw my math book at Jewels. "Figure that out, I don't get it." I said. "Ew no, you know I'm the worst at math!" She shook her head and threw the book back at me.

"When are the boys coming back for a break from their tour?" Cory asked while she wrote down notes in her science. "I don't know when they'll have another break, but they told me it will be a while. it's been three months since their last break. They should really be able to come back for a while." I frowned.

Yes, it's May. May 1st, actually. The boys haven't got to come back once, sadly. Words can't describe how much I miss Liam, and he misses me too. He hasn't had hardly any time to talk to me, so he usually calls me every night and we talk until we fall asleep.

He doesn't have time to Skype as much, so I guess we don't exactly get to see each other's faces very often. It's starting to get to me, missing him this much. At least his tour keeps him busy. I still have my job, but it gets boring.

We also still have Lucy, that cat has mental issues. He's given me so many injuries. And Hurlbutt's drinking is starting to worry me. The pills calm her down a little, but I found out if I stop giving them to her while she drinks, she might go absolutely crazy. As in almost killing someone.

That is why I make it my duty to put them in her food every night if I don't want to die. Yeah, I know. Giving her pills was the absolute stupidest thing I could have done, but I'm so sick of being hurt.

School's been normal, people being their jerky selves. Prom is coming up, I don't plan on going. Too bad Jewels and Cory are literally forcing me into it, but I'm still saying no. In my opinion prom is just stupid. You dress up, bring a date, dance, and eat. How fun.

Anyways that's how life's been.

"That stinks, I know now much you miss Liam." Jewels gave me a sad smile. "Yeah." I sighed. We studied for a little while longer, schools out in a month and I'm soooo excited. Freedom!!!!!

I get away from Hurlbutt, go to the college I applied to around here, (if I get in), get away from Hurlbutt, get to visit Liam whenever I want when he's home, get away from Hurlbutt, get to go places, and I mean places out of this city, and what else? Oh yeah, GET AWAY FROM HURLBUTT!!!

I'm a little bit too excited.

All of a sudden my phone rang. "It's Liam!" I grinned excitedly. He never calls during the day unless he has a day off, and I'm pretty sure he doesn't. They grinned at me and I answered.

"Hey!" I smiled, even though he couldn't see it. "Guess what?!" Liam yelled, sounding really, really happy. "What?" I asked as I sat on Cory's bed shaking excitedly. They stared at me waiting for me to tell them what's happening, except that I have no idea.

"Somehow the people who booked our tour at places and set the dates messed up. And turns out the tour in Japan was suppose to be in September, not May. I don't even know how this happened, I was too busy thinking about everything after our manager said we have nothing booked for May and June." Liam babbled on about how confusing this was but how he was super excited.

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