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Today is the day.

I'm leaving!! It's been a week, the doctor says I've healed well so I'm leaving today. I have a cast on my leg and crutches, but all the scars and bruises have healed. Liam convinced the doctor not to call Hurlbutt and told the doctor that he could take me home. But I'm actually going to the boys flat for a while. The doctor said I'm supposed to rest, and I defiantly can't rest at my house. So when I'm better, Liam will take me home and tell Hurlbutt that I just got out of the hospital.

I got dressed in the clothes Cory brought me yesterday and when I walked out of the bathroom Liam and the boys were waiting for me. "Hi!" I smiled. "Ready to get out of here?" Liam asked. "Yes." I sighed. "Hand me my crutches please?" I asked. Niall gave me my crutches and I was ready to go.

"Just rest, and be careful!" The doctor said. I glared at him, he's the worst doctor I've ever had. "I saw that glare you gave the doctor." Harry laughed. "He was a jerk!" I grinned. We drove home and the boys told me that I would stay in the guest room. We got there and the boys carried my bags inside. I expected Teddy to come up to me, but then I remembered he's dead. I shook that thought out of my head.

"It's so nice to be somewhere other than the hospital!!" I smiled. "Let's bring your bags upstairs." Liam said. He helped me upstairs with my crutches.We got to the guest room and dropped my bags on the ground. "Can I have a real hug now?" Liam asked. Our hugs were kind of pathetic at the hospital because I could barely move. "I guess...." I teased as he wrapped his arms around me.

"I missed this." Liam whispered. "Me too." I whispered back as we kissed. "Are you coming back down sometime today?!" Louis yelled from downstairs. "I guess we better go." I sighed. "Aw, poo." Liam poked my nose and I giggled. We held hands and walked downstairs. Well, in my case limped.

"So boys, when is Sarah going to get to see her birthday present?" Zayn asked with a smirk. "How about tomorrow? Eleanor left last week to New York, but Jewels and Cory can be here. They helped pay for it too." Louis said. "Okay!" All the boys agreed. "And I will give you your present when you are off those crutches." Liam smiled. I'm guessing this present involves going somewhere.

"So, what should we do?!" Harry asked excitedly. "Sorry, but I can't do anything. I'm supposed to rest." I said as I sat on the couch. "Why do you have to rest?" Niall asked. "Because the doctor said so." I replied. "Well incase you haven't noticed, the doctors kind of an idiot." Louis said as he texted on his phone. "Fine then, let's do something. But only of Louis gets off his butt and stops texting Eleanor!" I yelled. "You have no proof that it's Eleanor!" Louis said.

"Well you keep blushing, and you always blush when you text Eleanor." Liam smirked. "I do not!" Louis blushed. We all laughed at him. "You guys are jerks!" Louis said. "Oh well." I grinned. "Hey, we should show Sarah the video of her after her surgery!" Niall yelled. Harry elbowed him in the gut.

"What?" I asked motionless. "We don't know what Niall's talking about...." Zayn said. "Yea you do, Louis filmed it on his phone, remember?" Niall asked while sounding confused. "Shut up Niall!!" Liam said. I glared at Louis. "Excuse poor Niall, he's blond." Louis chuckled nervously.

"I don't know what's in that video, but I want it gone......." I growled. "It's actually REALLY funny, you'd love it. Trust me!" Louis said as he slowly got up from his chair. "Just delete it." I said. "Too bad!!!" Louis jumped up and ran upstairs.

"LOUIS TOMLINSON COME BACK DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW!!! I CANT RUN!!!!!" I screamed. "I'm sorry, you're just gonna have to limp up here yourself!!" Louis laughed evilly. "I'll carry you!" Liam smiled. "Don't worry, just hold this." I handed Liam one of my crutches. I held the other one and limped upstairs as fast as I could.

"Better watch out Louis she has a weapon!!" Harry laughed. I saw Louis run into his room. Before he could lock the door I barged in.

"Just give me your phone....." I glared. "Or this crutch is going up your face."

"You wouldn't beat me with a crutch." Louis laughed. I took my crutch and hit his leg with it. "Hey!!!" Louis yelled. "I SAID GIVE ME THE FREAKIN PHONE!!!" I screamed. "I-I dropped my phone in the toilet!" Louis stuttered. "Really? Show me!" I said. Louis led me to the bathroom, and sure enough a black iPhone was floating in the toilet bowl.

"You got lucky carrot-butt." I mumbled as I tried to stomp downstairs. "He dropped his phone on the toilet!" I said frustratedly. "Aww...." The boys frowned. "That video was so good!" Niall moped. "Well now that that's over, let's do something." Zayn said.

"How about a game?" Niall asked. "A football game!!" Harry yelled. "Sure." We nodded. "Come on, Lou!" Liam yelled as we put on our jackets. Louis walked downstairs and we left for the game.


"My ears are numb." I said as we sat in the cold. "YEA!!!! TOUCHDOWN!!" Niall screamed in my ear. "Sorry." He grinned. I'm not paying much attention to the game, I don't understand sports. But it's really fun just being here. It's exciting. "I'm gonna go get some food." I said as I got up. The boys smiled at me as I walked too the concession stand. This place is packed. I squirmed my way through people with my crutches. I got knocked over and me and my crutches fell on the ground.

"Are you okay?" Someone asked as they helped me up. "Yea, I'm fine." I said as I brushed myself off. I looked up at the person and my eyes widened. "Layla!!" I smiled. "Sarah!!" Layla smiled. We hugged. "You're out of the hospital!!" She squealed. "Yea, I'm staying with the boys for a while." I said. "That's awesome!!" Layla said. "Are you feeling better?" She asked. "Much better." I smiled. "Good, I'll see you later. Bye!" Layla smiled as she walked off. I waved and made my way to the concession stand.

"Thank you." I smiled as the lady gave me my popcorn. "Hey, isn't that Liam's girlfriend, Sarah?!" I heard a girl squeal. I turned around and a few girls were staring at me. I smiled. "Hello."

"OMG you're out of the hospital!! I can't believe Liam saved you, he's such a hero!!" One girl yelled. "Yea, he is." I said. "Can we get a picture with you?!" Another girl asked. "Sure!" I smiled. I got pictures with them and they left. Directioners are the best fans ever.

"What took you so long?" The boys asked as I sat back down. "Fans. And I ran into one of my friends." I said. "Were they nice fans?" Liam asked. he's always worried about all the hate. "Yea, they were really nice!" I smiled. "Good!" Liam smiled.

The rest of the game went pretty well, exhausting too. I hope Hurlbutt doesn't pay attention to magazines and stuff, because there's going to be pictures of me at game everywhere.

"Let's go before we get mobbed!" Harry said as we got out of our seats. People were everywhere. Paparazzis, fans, random idiots trying to get in our way. "Is it true that Sarah was in the hospital because she was pregnant?!" Someone asked. "Did you really get kidnapped by your uncle?" Another freak asked.

What sickos would come up with this crap?

"Just ignore them." Liam whispered as we walked through all the people. We got in the car and I laid my head down. I am so tired.

Liam's POV

"Some people are just sick." Niall shook his head. "I know, and you think they'd let us get through being that she was on crutches!" I said. I looked over and Sarah was asleep. I smiled. She's so cute when she sleeps.

"So, did you really drop your phone in the toilet?" Zayn asked Louis as he drove. "Well, I dropped a phone in the toilet." Louis said. "What do you mean?" Harry asked. "I hid my real phone in my pocket and dropped my extra phone in the toilet to convince Sarah it was gone." Louis grinned. "You are evil, and you wasted a perfectly good phone." I said.

"I can buy how ever many phones I want. And make sure you don't tell her." Louis said. "When she finds out you're dead." I laughed. "She must be really tired. Maybe we should've listened to the doctor and let her sleep." Niall looked at Sarah. "She's fine, she can rest tomorrow." Louis said. "She's gonna need some rest before she sees her birthday present." Zayn smiled.

We all grinned. She's going to love it. She's not going to want to accept it, but she's going to love it.

We got to the flat and I carried Sarah in and brought her to her room. I put her under the covers and kissed her goodnight. She hasn't opened her eyes once, she really is exhausted. "Love you." I whispered as I started to walk out of the room.

"Love you too."

I looked behind me and she smiled. I walked back up to her and kissed her again now that she's awake. "That was fun." Sarah yawned. "Besides those buttholes in the parking lot...." She closed her eyes sleepily. I chuckled. "Night."

I turned off the light and let her sleep. She needs it.

Hey so the ice turned into snow!! That means no ice storm!!

The snow was pretty fun might I say. (;

And we didn't have school so I didn't have to test!!


So if I get 500 votes by Saturday I will tell you guys my BIGGEST SECRET EVER.

I promise I will. But I'm not gonna get 500 votes by Saturday so no worries.(:

And trust me this secret is juicy!

Christmas is coming I'm happy.(:


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