Problem and Solution

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Ima problem
And solution
I'm special
No substitution
I can fuck up everything
And fix it in an instant
Because ima hero
AND a villain
I'm sorry
If in a way I put you through hell
But dealing with me
Will make me reflect myself
So if you complain about who I've hurt
Then it's abusrd
Because I push people away pretty
Some people even say the pace is sickening
But I do it so you DONT have to deal with me
Nmp, not my prpblem
The ones you people do bring
I can solve them
Other than that
It's just plain fact
So you shouldn't expect
Me to make EVRRYONE happy and to make EVERYONE glad
Bcc if you can't do that that makes us the same in fact
So do not hate the one who helps all
for one day he might disappear
And when that day happens those girl's tears you WILL hear...jsyk

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