Heaven's Gate

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World changes
Life's Dangerous
And I'm sick of people

I look up from below
And see there is still evil

My death is meaningless
Without any change
Yes, it's easy to die
But it is hard to live

Issues piled up till it controlled my life
Now I am as blind as the three mice

No guidance no sequence
My mind is too restless
Even though I'm resting
My afterlife has not ended
Life is the worse
Yet the greatest blessing
Without said life
A decline in experience

Can't tell people anything
They dont take me serious

My D.I.D didn't leave
I was broken so hard
That I am in need
My original
Scarier than my dark side
They don't work together
That would mean Earth's demise
Told to embrace my demons
But Seven embracing me
The embodiment of evil
Who just replaced me

He's sick of the bullshit
No more Driving Ms. Daisy
He lost his car, liscence and lost some money

And the people who hate me
Probably find thid funny
But I can't live until I get my honey!!!

Sike those were the words of the living
And yes i guess he must be forgiven
Because I think so now that I am too driven
Trying to get out of this place
While everyone listens
To what I have to say
And laugh anyway
Sorry to say
But not everything's a game
I used to be in distress
Now I just need to distress
If death is so meaningless
What's the true point of living
I look up at the sky ceiling
Trying to analyze what I'm feeling
Most likely nothing
But my mind is just reeling
I wasn't surprised when I was out in hell
If I did I would be fake
But to make matters worse
I can see heaven's gates

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