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It has come to my attention
That I am a name that is mentioned
Living in the history books
And teaching others a lesson
If people wanted the truth
They should talk to the author
For I made my history
While avoiding my mother and father's
I feel like I was born from an egg
Something godly
But when knocked down a peg
I just have arms and legs
A body and head
And full of mistakes
The truth behind my soul is the memories that unfold
The love I give
The smiles I give
Which are written in bold
Italic letters
I carry weight that looks lighter than a feather
But I carry the world's weight all on my shoulders
My glare can be ice cold
And it can only get colder
As I add depressing memories In my mental folder
And life untangles like me with a comb
I feel like I was built in a day
But I am like Rome
Development long
Struggles intense
And I have trouble seeing
Through these prescription lens that oh so blend with the icy stare
What makes it the worst is I will never care
Only certain people reap the benefits I sow
I'm bipolar mode from high to low
If I had a boat
I'd pay someone to row
Because if I touch a paddle
I might see crows
Not good with water
Body fit for land
Sink or swim
So I choose to stand
The truth of the matter is that I don't flatter myself when I'm plastered since I'm not my own master

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