Things I Can't Explain pt1

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I'm dying...
Internally crying
As I tell myself I'm lying
As my grandmother is surviving
It's not gonna last for long
So I lie and sing a song
By ignoring her existence, I'm too ashamed and upset to admit it
Won't tell the girl I love that I been quit it, the thought of her seeing my kids , she's the reason why I rush all this shit
Why I'm worried about the future instead of worrying about the present, because every day is a piece of coal when she's not in it. And I'm supposed to forget this and not let this eat me up inside but I know it does so I cry when I hear she's gonna be fine... because in the next two months she's gonna down 62 bottles of absolute vodka and still not die....
The suffering is making me suffer
My heart's tough but my brain's tougher and I hate her and I love her and I can't just laugh it off, because when her life ends all I can do is shut me off... I'm sorry nae...

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