In Two

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This is gonna be honest with names and all....

Kai I love you
Nae I love you
I love you both
Sometimes I hate you both
This argument has been occupying my thoughts since January
It is the only thing I find truly scary
It's my future on the line and
The choice kills me
I'll hurt one
I'll hurt the other
I love you both
It cuts me
Kai you know my fears, phobias, and what makes me happy yah
And nae so do you
I don't know what choice to choose
There is no win for me
Only lose
I wanna just kill off my emotions
But then yah both sad
And I can't afford that
My inner happiness doesn't know where to go
Someone help me
This world is so cold
I don't mean to hurt anyone
But I don't know what to do
Kai and Nae I love you

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