Need Sleep

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Oh my god I'm tired of all this stuff coming my way
I just want to ship it off leave it for another day
finish up my work then in my bed I lay
because of all this don't stop
my minds gonna need a casket case.
Or so I say
as in my bed I lay
The only thing brighter than my future is the suns rays
The only thing darker than my work is my emotional state
Leaving me every step and every half of the way
As in my bed I lay
As I lose my mind today
Life looking Paleolithic as I hunt down my prey
And in my bed I lay
Where the stars looking strange
Even beyond the cosmic my life stay inverted sideways
And in my I lay
As I tell u once ,okay ?
God left my vocab
But for once I did pray
As of late my minds surely squirrel yes a nut case
Told yo follow a dream
When u can't find it to chase
Told to be at the top but u dont leave the base
And sometimes and sometimes
U are told to be great
Just sighs as a response from that lie
I understand the terminology but not what lies
At the pages of the book which tell of our lives
As in my bed I lay
Or as I lay in my bed
I'm done with this stuff live life don't forget
The struggles in which birthed us
And the struggle that's between us
The struggles in the end
And the struggles that all meet us
That's life as I speak this way

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