Time Machine

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If I had a time machine
I'd rid the world of Seven
He Is an evil asshole
If you don't like it ,
Sue me
The Dp orientation
Would just be my concentration
On how to take his neck bone
And push it in
The esophagus
Tell him make a wish
Kill him in cold blood
Because he's such a bitch
If I could
I would snipe him
While answering questions in class
I hate his thoughts
All 4 tons of his fatass
I want him to die
As soon as possible so  I can sit by his grave
And tell him
Living was impossible
He's a pain In the ass
He's probably gay
I don't think he is
But when I tie the rag on his face
He'll have nothing to say
If I had a time machine
Id drop him faster than a heartbeat
Make sure all the girls he likes dubbs him
stop him make sure he's a virgin
Treat this cow
Like Oscar Wao
Make sure he gets none
And strangle him so he makes no sound
If I had a time machine
Seven would be dead
Lol let me stop
For him enough has been said

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