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Rey's POV
I feel the ship begin to descend and it appears we're following Kylo's ship down to Yavin 4. Maybe Luke had a change of heart and has decided to go with my plan.

I grab my lightsaber and my go bag. I head out into the hallway. I look down towards the control room and hear Luke contacting the General. I stand there, looking down at the floor trying to make out the conversation.

"Rey believes we should leave Ben stranded here."

"Hmmmmm..." The General actually sounds like she's debating this. "I agree with Rey, destroy his ship, have Rey guide him away from the ship. You said he wants her?"

"Yes, but I don't know why."

"Doesn't matter at the moment."

"What was her mission?" I begin to wonder the same thing. What was my mission going to be? Why did she need me suddenly.

"I had a vision." She pauses. "Rey bought Ben back." There's an awkward pause again. "Her mission is to find Ben and bring him to me." The General said is, not was. Looks like I was just assigned my mission.

"It is possible that Snoke saw the same vision and wants Kylo, I mean, Ben to bring Rey to him."

"We need to bring him home, Luke. I miss my son. Now do as I wish. Destroy his ship and leave him there..." That's what the General wishes and she did just make me aware my mission was Kylo Ren.

I turn on my heels, that's all I need to know. Leia wants him to be left here. Said so herself.

I exit down the ramp and look towards Kylo Ren's ship. All my dreams studying his fighting style is about to pay off. I'm in a clearing and there's some sort of abandon hangar to my right that's falling and crumbling to pieces. I take note of the loss rumble and the towering trees to my left.

"Scavenger." I turn and see Kylo Ren.

"We meet again." I ignite my lightsaber.

"So hostile. I haven't even thought about coming here to fight you and yet I'm the monster."

I stand my ground, I won't fall for his tricks. Yes a fatherless monster. I think in my mind wondering if he can hear me.

At least I wasn't abandon to fend for myself. He snaps back in his mind.

How dare he! I feel the hatred boiling up in side of me. I swear I can almost see him smirk through his mask.

"Take off your mask, coward."

"As you wish." He removes the mask and shakes his head.

"Nice scar

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"Nice scar." I smirk.

His dark eyes narrow and he brings his hand up suddenly and I go flying backwards. Unlike last time I force push myself away from the tree and land on top of the crumbling building. My landing is rough considering i landed on my ass, but I regain my footing on the uneasy stone and stare down at him.

Kylo's POV
I force push her sending her flying backwards towards a tree, but she suddenly turns and redirects herself landing on top of an old building that's falling apart.

"I don't want to fight anymore." I call to her. I wonder if she has had the same dreams as I. I know our fighting is pointless.

Luke's ship begins rising and I look over at her. Luke's ship turns and she begins to wave her arms signaling where she is.

 Luke's ship turns and she begins to wave her arms signaling where she is

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That's when the shots are fired.

I fly forward and land hard on the damp ground. I blink and see ship parts falling around me as dust flies up into the air. My ears ring and I begin to sit up. What the hell.

I begin to get up and on to my feet when I fall forward on my hands and knees. My back is burning. I look up to see Luke's ship in the distance, leaving us behind. I try to feel my back and notice my cape is gone. There's just a stinging and burning sensation under my shirt now. I glance over my shoulder to try and see what I can, but what I see is far worse than my back.

The girl is gone... so is the portion of the building where she was standing.

"Hey!" I call out. No reply. "Scavenger!" I don't even know her name, I realize.

The rumble is scattered at the entrance of what appears to be an abandon hangar. I try to assess the damage. About half of the entrance has collapsed and took her down too.

Dammit Scavenger. I voice in my mind. No reply.

I walk over to the edge of the wreckage. I stand on a rock and clear my mind. Focus, focus. I feel her to my right and up ahead some. I begin using the force to clean the old rock wall pieces in search for her.

I find her under the third rock I move. I leap over to her. She's unconscious, nows my chance. I pick her up bridal style and turn to see my ship was fully destroyed. I have nothing, but this girl now.

At least she's not fighting me anymore. I turn back around and head in to the old hangar. This used to be a rebel base if I remember correctly. I pass by garbage mainly, but a take notice of the speeder left behind.

I spot a First Aid kit on the wall, but I really don't know what's wrong with her besides a scratch on her forehead and another on her arm, along with some bruises.

I sit down against the wall with her in my lap. I take out the bandage wrapping her arm and using some tissue in the kit to clean up her forehead.

I notice how peaceful she looks, it reminds me of when I force knocked her out on Takodana. Her face so soft and her lips breathing so easily. I try to match my breathes to her and not focus on the pain coming from my back.

I lean back and try to rest. The cold wall feeling good against my burning back. I should probably address it, but I don't want to disturb her peaceful state. Even if she wasn't in my lap, I couldn't reach my back.

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