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Ben's POV
I open the door to our room for Rey and she walks into the dark, unlite room.

"Ow." I hear her say then a loud thump. "Maker, turn on a light damn it Ben."

I flip the switch lighting up the chandler and see Rey on the floor next to a couch. "Thanks." She scoffs.

"Hey, I didn't push you or put the couch there." She raises her hand for help and I walk over pulling her up off the floor. "You okay love?"

"I stubbed my foot, but I'll live." She walks down the hall and disappears. I walk to the office and sit at the desk in the swirl chair. I hear a knock at the front door and stand. I head over and open it to see a resistance person of some sort there.

"Umm yes?"

"Ben Solo?"


"General Organa would like a word with you. Follow me." I step out and follow the woman down the hallway. The dinning hall is closing and the moon shines through the windows.

We approach my mother's office and she knocks for me. "Ben, come in." I hear her say.

"Hello." I say stepping in. "What's the matter?" I ask sitting down in front of her.

"I saw something in you today after I overheard you say something."

"If this is about Finn mom, I swear I'm trying to control my anger. Rey is helping me so much just by being here and I know I can do better mom please..." She holds up her hand.

"Don't apologize." She stands and walks over to a cabinet and pulls out an old jacket vest. "This is for you." She hands it to me.

I hold it up and know who it belongs too. "Mom I can't..."

"Ben." She cuts me off. "I saw your father in you today." She smiles. "He would have been proud with your actions as well." I look down at his jacket in my hands.

"I miss him mom, everyday."

"I know son." We both stand and I engulf her in a hug.

"Thank you." I whisper. "What did you overhear today?" I ask pulling away to look at her.

She chuckles. "When you and Chewbecca were laughing you sounded like your father, so I peeked out and when you called him 'fuzzball', I remembered your father calling him that." She smiles. "Ben I know you wanted to be like your grandfather..."

"Mom.." I try to cut in.

"And that's who you are a like." I look away from her and she cups my cheek. "Your grandfather was powerful, passionate, and a brave warrior. He was protective of his family and had trouble letting things go... Chewbecca told me how protective you were of the Falcon today and how you protected him and Captain Phasma." I look over at her. "I know you and Rey are together."

I smile. "I couldn't seem to let her go. I always chase her." I smile wider to myself thinking of Rey.

"Did you know your grandfather also returned to the light?"

"What?" I stare at my mom.

"Yes, he returned to the light. Just like you did... You can do anything you set your mind to Ben. Just like your grandfather and dad." She grabs the jacket in my hand. "He would of wanted you to have this."

"Thank you mom." I smile and hug her again.

"You're welcome. Now I expect to see you at the ball."

"I won't miss it. Plus I already have a date." I grin at her and she returns one.

Rey's POV
I hear Ben leave as I'm putting my  shoes away and begin unloading the box into our new closet, that's already stocked with clothes. I pull my hair back and into a simple bun. There's a knock on the door and I walk over peeking through the peep hole. I see Finn standing there nervously.

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