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Ben's POV
Ben, I love you.

Rey? What's happening? Where are you going? What are they planning to take and change?

No reply.

Rey? ...Rey!... Rey...... I love you too.

Rey's POV
I feel the pressure of Snoke pushing into my mind. I try and hold him off. My jaw locks and I fight him.

I take a deep breath and I feel my eyebrows scrunch together hard. I slightly push him out and then my head slams back against the chair.

Rey... I love you too.

I release and feel a pounding in my head as Snoke enters my mind. My lips quiver and hold back tears as I feel my memories leaving.

My energy is drained and I feel like a vegetable again. More sore than before. Snoke is strong, stronger than Luke, stronger than Ben,...

stronger than me.

I feel a tear roll down my cheek as Snoke begins pulling at memories.

I swallow hard and feel Snoke ease back some. I open my eyes and see Hux standing next to Snoke with both of their eyes closed. I suddenly feel an aching pressure inside my head and close my eyes. I groan softly to myself and now see memories of me from Hux's point of view, but now it's thrid person. Like I'm a bystander. I see Hux and I at a ball of some sort. Dancing, smiling, and laughing. We look elegant, graceful... happy.

These are Hux's dreams. They're so realistic... I'm overwhelmed as Snoke begins filling my memories, reshaping, configuring, and changing them.

Everything goes black and I can feel my body, but I don't have the energy to move. I hear shackles release, but not my own.

"You are to take her to room A-77. Dress her in a nightgown and tuck her into bed. In the bedroom there are two bedside tables. On one is a note for her I wrote earlier, she belongs on that side." I hear Hux telling Sassy. "You do as I tell you and we'll release you. Try anything and we'll kill you on the spot. Is that clear?"

"Yes sir." Sassy sneers.

"I'm sending one of my best troopers with you. You will follow his orders and do as told. No talking back or you will recieve punishments... Is that clear?"

"Yes sir."

I feel the shackles come undone and I begin falling. My arms won't move and my eyelids are too heavy to open, but if I was able to open my eyes it would probably worsen the pounding.

I'm surprised when I don't hit the floor, but feel someone catch me.

"Mind helping me Boss?" I hear Sassy address someone who sighs and helps her pick up my arms and drag me off.

My feet drag as they begin walking down the halls.

"We'll be going up two levels. Can you manage her on stairs?"

"Yeah, but wouldn't an elevator be more convenient?"

"Yeah, this way." He signs. "You got a name?"


"Is that your real name or what your friends call you?"

"Both. How bout you?" We halt and I hear a button click.

"FN-2199, but my friends call me Nines."

"Well Nines if I'm going to be stuck be puppy guarded by you I might as well get to know you."

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