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Kylo's POV
Rey and Uncle Chewbecca are landing the Falcon and I have no idea where we are. Phasma is nervous as well as myself.

"We're here." Rey says and stands. She walks over and helps me up, then Phasma. Finn walks over to us and grabs Rey unexpectedly and she jumps looking shocked at Finn.

Finn gives her a weird look, then shakes his head and let's her go. He motions for her to go forward, then grabs her again and handcuffs her. "Finn what are you doing?" He grabs her lightsaber from her belt and turns around pointing it at me only managing to ignite one end. I put my hands up. "Finn stop!" I yell and Uncle Chewbecca roars.

"Just making sure you guys don't do something stupid." Finn growls at me.

Are you okay? I voice to Rey.

I'm fine. Just stay calm.

"What are you guys doing?" Finn demands with confusion at the silience.

"Jedi stuff." Rey replies.

"You wouldn't know about it." I say and Phasma tries to contain a laugh.

"Oh my, I should of seen that coming. That's why you guys would be quiet at dinner? What is it mind reading?" Phasma asks us.

"Not quite." I say and smile knowing it's a special thing between Rey and I.

"Give me your saber, Ren."

"Not going to happen when you have Rey handcuffed and a saber at my throat."

"That was an order." Finn demands. Chewbecca roars at Finn.

"I don't speak that!" He replies.

"Guys? You okay?" Someone, I think Poe, yells.

"Well Finn is in here trying to save the day from the wrong people so no."
Finn raises Rey's saber to strike and I draw mine to protect myself, Uncle Chewie, and Phasma. "Don't damage the Falcon!"Chewbecca roars at us again. This was my dad's and I won't let anyone destroy it. "You can handcuff all of us, but they'll let us go you know." I tell Finn.

Poe rounds the corner into view. "Finn what are you doing?" His lightsaber closes and flys into Rey's hand who turns for Poe to release her. Rey has a straight face and is emotionless. "Are you okay?" Poe asks. She nods and reattachs her saber to her belt, then leaves. "Finn are you crazy? Luke arranged their arrival. I thought your best friend's return would be a nice surprise." Poe looks down. "Sorry, I was wrong." Poe walks away following Rey off the Falcon.

"Poe wait please!" Finn begs Poe running after him.

I exit with Phasma and Uncle Chewbecca, who assists me with my walking since Finn shot me in the leg. I didn't realize how much it hurt until now.

We exit the ramp and Rey is looking around the beautiful green filled planet, taking in the sun and smell of flowers while the birds happily chirp overlooking the gorgeous sea.

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