Whatever It Takes

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A/N: This is the final chapter, so enjoy it! lol. So I know I usually do my noted at the end, but the end is meant to just leave you hanging, so I didn't want to put my note after it lol. Anyways :) I just wanted to thank you for reading 'It is You', it means so much that you took the time to read, vote,  and comment because this was my first book and I had originally not planned for it to go this far or even do a sequel, but I will be doing a sequel! I have already picked out a name for it, but I'll reveal that later on my Instagram (reyloaddict).
I'd like to give a huge special shout out to johannaistrash who has become my best friend and is absolutely amazing! She has given me inspiration and always encouraged my writing, so I dedicate this final chapter to her.

Without further ado: Here is your long awaited chapter.

Rey's POV
"Leader Snoke." I bow to the tall figure in front of me.

"Rey." He nods and I rise. "How are you feeling since your hit to the head?"

"Much better, however, the doctor says some of my memory was lost, so I do find some things confusing."

"That's unfortunate to hear, but are you ready to contuine your training?" He questions me.

"Yes master." I speak as Hux walks in behind me. "I am ready to contuine with the Knights of Ren."

"Good... they shall soon have a new master to lead them."

I smile. "Yes they shall, Supreme Leader."

"Supreme Leader, are you sure she is ready to..."

I shoot a look at Hux to quiet him.

He visibly swallows. "Nevermind."

I look up and see Snoke glaring at Hux, as well.

I smirk. "Ben Solo may have eliminated Kylo Ren, but he soon shall meet his match."

Snoke smiles and dissolves in front of us.

I turn on my heel.

"Rey." Hux grabs my hand.

"What?" I yank my hand away.

"Are you..."

"Why are you doubting me?" I interrupt him.

"I... I'm... just worried." He looks down and back up at me.

"Well don't." I stride off and exit the room. I head down the hall way and stormtroopers get out of my way immediately.

I get to my room and open the door. I see Sassy cleaning the living room. I flop down on the couch.

"Can you run me a bath?"

"No problem, anything else Rey?"

"Yeah, can you accompany me to the cafeteria afterwards?"

She looks unsure, surprised, and shocked. She smiles and slowly nods. "Yeah. That'd be great." She turns to go to my bathroom. "Should I invite Hux?"

I groan. "No, I'm done of him right now."

She chuckles. "No Hux it is."

Ben's POV
I've been seating here listening to who's Missing-In-Action, confirmed dead, and why we haven't gone to Endor to look for those missing.

"Luke is feeling unwell and I know plenty of you are, so why don't we postpone our voting about sending a team for a few days and..."

I slam my hand on the table and stand. "I'm ready to vote now! Who cares if we are tired? Why don't you guys vote in a few days and I take a volunteer only crew down to Endor and search for them myself instead of sitting around here."

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