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Rey's POV
After I've eaten and drank my hot cocoa I head into the bedroom. I begin putting my uniform on, but leave off the lace long sleeve and my arm wraps. I pull my crystal out of my pouch and place it in my go bag and grab the box my uniform came in.

I look through my clothes and decide that I want to take this gorgeous red dress, then grab some clothes I can train and relax in. I glance over at Kylo's side of the clothes and put some of his clothes in here as well.

I sit on the red chair with the box in my lap.

Master Luke?


Can I come back? I shed a tear. I shouldn't have left.

Always, Rey. When shall we expect you?

I need to get in touch with Leia, but I need you to tell her to prepare for battle.

Is this First Order going to attack?

Yes, Master, they are going to attack the back and then the front and steal your ships. Prepare the fleet to leave.

I'll do that right away, but how are you getting to us? I know you're on Hoth, but do you have a plan?

Yes and I'll need you to prepare for battle and just have some ships ready for departure. And Master?


May the force be with you. I break focus when there's a buzz.

Kylo's POV
There's a buzz at the door and I open it to see Phasma. I step aside letting her in. She walks in and sits on the couch in uniform. She stares at the empty blood pouch sitting on the table and shallows hard. "I don't want to know how you guys got her IV out."

"Good, because she did it against my wishes."

Phasma smirks, "That girl is something." Rey comes around the corner with a box. "What's with the box?" Phasma questions.

"Just something I'm taking with me." Rey replies casually. I walk over and unclip her lightsaber from my belt and clip it to hers. "Thank you."

"Did you get an assassin yet, Phasma?"

Phasma smiles evily. "He shall be killed within the next two days." Rey smiles back, then comes over to where I stand.

"Hey." She slides her hand into mine.

"Hey." I reply and look into her eyes.

"Thank you again for everything you have done today." She let's go of my hand and wraps her arms around my neck. I hug her back around her waist.

"You're welcome. Ready to leave?" She nods. "Okay let's go." We detach and I grab the box from her hand and shake it. It doesn't make a sound. I give her a weird look and she takes it back dropping my hand.

"My box." I chuckle.

"Okay then. Your box." I hold my hands up to show I won't take it.

Phasma opens the door. "Let's go. Shuttles are ready." I walk out and turn to see Rey looking around the room.

"Come on, Rey." She looks down and walks out. Phasma looks at me and I shrug. What's wrong?

Nothing. She voices quickly and hurries past me. I close the door and follow her and Phasma to the shuttles.


We've been stationed Northeast of the Resistance Base for a few hours now. Phasma is in charge of the other shuttle and her group of our five strongest troopers are with her. It's just Rey and I in ours. She is sleeping like she agreed too.

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