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Ben's POV
I watch the shuttle leave then board the Falcon.

I sigh and enter the cockpit. Chewbecca greets me, as I take the seat behind him next to my mother.

"What are you doing?"

"Umm... sitting."

"You're flying us there Ben." She informs me.

"Oh... oh!" I get up and move into my father's spot. "Mom?"

"Here." She interrupts handing me his vest that she gave me a while ago. "I went back to your room for it."

I slide it on. "Thank you mom." I smile at her.

She nods and smiles back.

"Sorry to ruin the moment." Uncle Luke says taking his seat. "But we have a planet to save."

"Right." I say and turn back around. "Let's get this show on the road."

We take off and leave the atmosphere. "Prepare for lightspeed Uncle Chewy." He roars in reply. "Hang on back there." I instruct my family. Uncle Chewy roars again and I set the Falcon into lightspeed for Endor.

Rey's POV
"Prepare for landing and battle." Phasma says as she exits the control room and into where we have have been for the past day.

I sigh and look at Finn. "Ready?"

He sighs as well. "As I'll ever be."

"And that's the reason right there that I refuse to love."

I look over at Sassy. "What?"

"Can't get hurt if there's no one left I love." She takes out her axe and sharpens it again for the thrid time.

I hear Finn gulp loudly. "Why do you have an axe instead of a blaster anyways?" He asks.

"Not instead of, but along with." She puts up the blaster sitting next to her. "I have a blaster along with my axe because that's my favorite weapon and sometimes you need to just decapitate a trooper or two."


The ramp opens and we rush down the ramp. I pull out my lightsaber and rush forward ahead of the group. "Clear for departure." I yell into the comm-link to Phasma.

"Copy that. Good luck out there Rey." She replies.

"Let's move!" I shout over the sound of battle laying ahead.

"You heard her, let's go!" Sassy shouts.

I take off running and ignite my sabers. I force jump over some ewoks.

I slice through one, two... three.

Five troopers within a matter of seconds.

"Get the jedi!" I hear a trooper yell behind me.

I turn and see Emi's blaster send him flying. I smile and nod at her. We press forward with the advantage. A few troopers run and I force push them down. The group of Ewoks attack, spearing stormtrooper and throwing rocks.

After we finish off the last of them an ewok comes to me and begins speaking, but I don't understand.

"Anyone speak Ewok?"

"Yeah." Emi comes over and begins translating.

"He said you must be Rey and I told him you were and introduced ourselves."

"Okay, thank you."

"No problem. He said we need to head left ahead at the great fallen tree, can't miss it."

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