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Kylo's POV
I approach the hangar and notice my cape in the rumble and set her down.

"About time." She says.

"Like you minded." I tease. I pick up my cape and follow her to the hangar. I spot her bag and grab it as well, and move the first aid kit to my hand from the air where it was hovering.

A rain drop hits my cheek and I look up to see the drops start falling.

Rey runs into the hangar and sits at the back where we were this morning. It's only about noon, yet I feel tired and ready to sleep again.

I go over to her and the wind howls through the hangar as the storm approaches darkening the sky. I sit next to her. I can sense her shivering. "Here." I hand her my cape. "And I found this too." I hand her the bag.

"Thanks." She takes both and opens the bag. There's some fruit and spare clothes it looks like. "Want some?" She holds the bag out towards me. I take a red apple and bite into it.

"Thank you." I wipe the juice from my lip. "Now, let me see your arm." She holds out the one with the bandage and eats her apple with the other one. "I'm gonna take off the bandage and see if it's infected." She nods and stares at where I begin unwrapping.

The scratch was only bleeding a little and didn't look like much when I first addressed it and now it looks completely fine almost. "I think we have to amputate it."

"What?!" She clutches her arm.

"I'm kidding. Calm down." She looks at her forearm.

"What happened to me?" She looks at me. "Where's Luke?"

"I can show you better than tell you."

She bites her lip. "Okay."

I hold my hand out to her head and show her the memory of me looking at her then looking over at Luke's ship which fires hitting my ship that bursts and parts go flying along with myself. I contuine with me watching Luke abandon us there and then me trying to access what's wrong with my back and go on with me panicking when I discover that she's gone.

I pull away and see tears streaming down her face. "Rey..."

"I'm fine." She gets up and walks over to an old tin barrel. She kicks it into the wall and the clacking echos through out the hangar. She let's out a frustrated breath.

"Someone will come for us."

"No, they won't! They're not coming back!" I can tell she's holding back tears.

"Rey, don't say that."

"It's true! Maz told me so." The tears start to fall.

"What? Who?" What is she talking about!

Suddenly I'm in the dessert, on Jakku I believe.

"Come back!" I turn and see a young girl crying, being held back. She has 3 buns and I recognize her. It's younger Rey.

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