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ShoutOut: HUGE shoutout to BabyKangaroo_fanfica for inspiring parts of my book, including the new character Lillian and the slave girls. They are borrowed from the book, Beauty and the Sith Lord, which has a sequel currently being published!


Kylo's POV

What the fuck, Hux! I look over and see him grinning at me.

"Something wrong, Kylo Ren?" Hux says with a smirk. I glare at him as he takes a drink of water and he begins to choke on it. He deserves this, I think as I tighten my grip on his neck with the force.

Rey glances over at him then me and puts two and two together. She places her hand on my leg and I let him go. I slide my hand into hers and prepare myself.

I look over at Lillian as she walks this way, slower than the other girls, how I like. She has her tray of drinks and Hux's slave girl Marie follows her with her tray of appetizers.

I watch Lillian as her tan outfit sways with her small frame. She stands out from the other girls, because of special orders. Her special orders include a brown belt around her hips instead on the normal chain, wearing neutral make up, always wearing tan with simple brown boots, and having her brown hair in a tight bun, but leaving some strands around her face... I gave these special orders...

I contuine to stare at Lillian as she makes her way to our table. "Hello Master." She greets me, then looks at Rey, but doesn't say anything. She glides around the table and gives me my glass of wine, showing her cleavage to me and blocking my side view of Rey.

Phasma coughs. "So Rey." She coughs again. "Now you can see why I'll enjoy your company." Rey looks over and gives a nod of what looks like disgust.

"We can get you one Phasma." Hux speaks up, "You to Rey, you both can have your own." He laughs and motions for Marie, in the orange, to give his some wine from Lillian's tray. Only Marie can serve Hux and only Lillian can serve me. We both ordered that...

A different slave girl comes over. She's wearing green and she hands out the rest of the wine.

"What is this?" Rey whispers.

"Wine. Drink your water, avoid it."

"Believe me I will." She sips her water and then she glances at Lillian. I seriously hope she doesn't realize I based Lillian's look off of her.

Maybe I should tell Rey to fake a stomach, so we can leave.

We finish getting served our drinks and appetizers. Lillian stands behind Hux and Marie stands behind me, so Hux and I can both see our own slaves, but also be near them. This is where they are told to stand whenever we have a dinner and I wish they were anywhere else, but this room right now.

Rey is silent, until Hux speaks to her. "So Rey, do you always where your hair in a bun?"

"Three buns actually." She puts a fork full of food in her mouth and looks down at her food.

"Sorry, another question. Did you usually wear tan a lot before joining the First Order?"

"Well on Jakku my scavenging outfit was tan. Why?"

I glare at Hux. "Oh nothing was just trying to imagine what you looked like before the First Order." He replies and turns around real quick to look at Lillian.

Rey glances back at her too. She slowly removes her hand from mine under the table.

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