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Rey's POV 
I wake wrapped up in Ben's arms under the blankets. I can sense he's awake and I remember yesterday afternoon how he taught me how to use our force bond to share emotions. I close my eyes and focus on the touch of Ben's arms and my foot resting against his warm skin. How I can slightly feel his breathing on my neck and it's kind of slowly turning me on. I smile and imagine my feels as a ball of energy and push that into him.

Ben doesn't move or say anything. I begin to wonder if I was successful or not, then he pulls me back tightening his arms around me and puts a leg over mine.

"Ben, what are you..." He bites my neck soft yet roughly, and let's out a warm breath causing me to bite my lip. I'm officially turned on. I try to turn in his arms to kiss his lips, but his hold is just enough.

He kisses my neck and one of his arms moves and I feel his hand on my breast. I reach my arm back and find his hair. I grip it. "Is the door locked?" I ask. He let's me go and gets up. He walks out of the room without a word. I sit up, leaning against the headboard and pout.

He comes back in and crawls up the bed to me. I smile and he smirks as he opens my legs and pulls me on to him. My legs lock around his chest and he pushes me on against the headboard. "You know I can take whatever I want." He whispers in my ear. I giggle.

There's a loud knock at the door. He sighs and lays back on to bed with me on his chest. I roll off next to him and sigh loudly in reply. There's another loud knock. "Rey I know you're in there!" Yells a man, I think is Finn.

"What the..." I get up and fix my shirt. I walk to the door hearing Finn trying to open it. I open the door. "What Finn?"

"Poe can't find BB8."

"What? Let's go!" I had forgotten about BB8 since I came back. I'm a horrible friend. I dash out past Finn and spirit to Poe's room which has the door wide open. The room looks like it had been ransacked.

"Rey, I can't find BB8. He's been missing since yesterday evening."

"Ok Poe, calm down. We're going to find him. Have you talked to Leia?"

"No, why would she care about a missing droid?"

"It's worth a try."

"Yeah, maybe she's seen him." Finn chimes in.

"Okay, let's go." Poe strides passed us and out of the room. I follow Finn out into the hallway and I see Ben coming towards us. I extend my hand to him and he holds it. Finn glances at our hands then turns to contuine following. We jog slightly to catch up and turn down some hallways and up a flight of stairs. We come to a heavy metal door that doesn't blend at all and Poe enters a code that reveals a communication box. He hits the button and someone's voice comes over. "This is Samantha speaking, what can I do for you?"

"Hey it's Poe, I need to speak to the General about BB8."

"Umm..." Samantha hesitates. Then a cheerful beeping is heard.

"That's BB8." I say. Finn smiles and Poe looks worried.

The door opens to a room full of different screens and a few people. We walk in and BB8 rolls over to us and starts beeping away to Poe.

"Next time tell me before you disappear. I was so worried." BB8 beeps again. "It's okay Buddy and I missed you too." He beeps happily.

"Why is BB8 in here?" Finn whispers to Ben and I.

"I have no idea."

"Maybe mom needed his help with something."

Ben squeezes my hand and walks further into the room and I follow him.

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