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Rey's POV
We enter back on to the destroyer ship and begin walking towards our room. I'm finally learning my way around the ship.

We make our way into our room and as soon as the door closes Kylo pushes me against the wall. "That was so hot."

"What was?"

"Seeing you in action." I giggle.

"Take off your mask." He does and tosses it over his shoulder. It clanks against the floor. "Your mask ruined the moment." I playfully push him away and head for the closet to change. I hear him enter and he begins changing out of his uniform as well.

I'm down to my underwear and I feel a yawn coming on. I stretch and begin to yawn when I'm grabbed and thrown over someone's shoulder suddenly. I glance around and don't see Kylo. I look over my shoulder and see the familiar hair of Kylo. "What are you doing?" I question him.

"Going to shower." He says oh so casually. "You're joining me."

"No." I try to wiggle myself free and don't succeed.

"That wasn't a question." He enters the bathroom.

I let out a sigh, as he puts me down and he freezes me there. "Really?"

"Really, really." He laughs and starts warming up the shower. I stand there looking at the shower and give him an eyeroll. "Oh come on." He comes over to me and goes behind me. "It'll be fun and relaxing." I feel his warm breathe on my still cold neck from being on Hoth. The hair on my neck stands up.


He begins to undo my buns and I can feel my hair fall to my shoulders. He walks away and set my hair elastics down on the counter. He comes back over and moves my hair aside. He begins kissing my neck and I bite my lip. I can feel his hold on me loosening and I'm able to move my head. He feels my head begin to move and moves away to refreeze me firmly. "Nice try, Rey."

"If you want me," He walks in front of me. "break the hold." He takes off his boxers and then turns to get into the shower.

I take a deep breathe and close my eyes. I focus on my anger, but it's not working. I try harder and feel his grip tighten. I open my eyes and I immediately loose any and all focus I had.

Kylo Ren is looking at me and he's soaking wet. His abs glisten and tease me. "What's the matter Rey?" He shakes his wet hair back and out of his face.

I feel my lip begin to shake with sexual frustration. "I need your help."

"Try focusing on me to break my hold." His face becomes more serious.

"You're the only thing I can focus on at the moment." He laughs and runs a hand through his hair.

I shut my eyes tight and focus on Kylo. I imagine his protective arms around me, the way his eyes get gold flakes in them, when it's just me and him, and I remember the moment he told me he loved me.

The hold is gone.

I open my eyes and run for Kylo. He breaks into a huge smile, as I get into the shower and push him against the wall. I kiss him passionately and he begins to take off my soaked bra. He throws it over the glass door and cups my breasts. My hands run over his abs, carefully lining each one. His hands slide down my waist and he takes off my underwear. He comes back up and I run my fingers through his wet hair, getting tangled.

Kylo pushes me into the corner and kisses me, lifting one of my legs to wrap around his waist. I untangle my hands and cup his face to mine. He pulls away and our foreheads press together. His right hand slowly runs down the front of my body, sending a vibration through my body causing me to bite my lip.

His golden brown eyes stare into my eyes as I feel him begin to rub my clit. I let out a small moan and he smirks, then begins to kiss my neck, as he begins to rub me faster.

My breathing increases and whisper to him, "I want you inside me." My heartbeat is racing already, but gains speed when he slides a finger inside me.

He has two fingers inside when I can feel myself getting ready to climax. I have one hand gripping his hair, the other digging my nails into his back.

He pulls out and I whine in protest. He turns off the water and lifts my other leg up and I lock around his waist. "You better finish what you started Ren." I whisper in his ear.

We enter the bedroom and he gently lays me down on the bed with my legs hanging off the edge. He kneels down and looks into my eyes. I give him a nod and he smiles as he spreads my legs further apart. I grab the covers and brace myself. He kisses my inner thigh, until he reaches my clit.

I feel Kylo's warm lips and moan. His tongue plays with my clit and then his fingers slide back into my vagina again. I grip the covers as my back arches. I can feel him moving in and out, as his tongue plays and he occasionally sucks on my clit. My back arches again, higher this time and hips begin to move back and forward.

I climax and I can feel his tongue cleaning me up. I lay there slowing my breathing back to normal.

He lays beside me and I cuddle up next to him with my head on his chest. "Thanks for the snack, love." I hit his chest. "Hey, I mean it." He laughs. "Let's get dressed." He says.


I get up and walk into the closet. "Where's my dinner?" I call out.

"I don't know, what are you making me?" He walks in behind me.

"I just feed you." I wink at him. "You literally just thanked me a moment ago."

I slip on some sweats, then he snatches my shirt from me. "Hey."

"Lift your arms." I do and he puts my shirt on me.

"What was that for?"

"We always help undress each other, but never help dress each other."

"We put each other's capes on." I point out.

"Not the same thing, babe." He grabs my hips and kisses my cheek.

I grab one of his black shirts. "Your turn."

"I'm gonna stay shirtless." He grins at me. Then the door buzzes. "You wanna get that?"

I roll my eyes and head for the door. I open the door and the lady who delivered my clothes is here again, but she has a cart full of food. "Delivery." She says and I stand to the side motioning for her to come in.

"You can park it by the couch." She pushes the cart over and sets the brake on. "Thank you." I nod and she turns to leave. I close the door behind her and Kylo walks in. "What is all this?"

"Let's see we have chocolate covered strawberries, vanilla cake, creme filled something, some exotic fruit, a pot of hot cocoa, some summer sausage, cheese puffs..."

"Kylo." I say cutting him off. "Let's eat." I giggle. "I want to try it all." We smile at each other and dig in.

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