You Again

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Rey's POV
It's been two days and the stormtroopers haven't been able to get in. They finally started trying to get in yesterday. I smile at the lack of pounding on my door and pour myself a glass of water in the kitchen. It's lonely in here without Ben, but I need to come up with a plan.
There's a light knock on the door. That's different.

I grab a knife from the draw and slowly step towards the door. "Rey?" A familiar voice says. "Rey, it's Sassy."

"Prove it." I demand.

"We once joked about me being your best man instead of Finn."

It's her. She's here to rescue me! I drop the knife.

"Sassy." I open the door and feel a sudden pain in my neck. I grab at my neck and remove a dart.

"You said you wouldn't hurt her!" Sassy yells at Hux who smirks as I fall limp on the ground.

He crouches "Sorry sweetheart." He kisses my forehead.

"Oh hell no." Sassy says and kicks him in the head.

Hux fallsthe rest of the way to the floor. He gets up and grabs his head. He looks stunned, then moves his hand and back hands her.

"Take her away to the duel cell." Hux says. "We need her alive still."

"I'll take this one." Hux looks down at me.

I try to talk, but find out I'm a vegetable. What the hell is up with Hux injecting shit into me. At least Ben caught me and made sure I was okay and safe. Oh yeah, and didn't inject me with shit.

My eyes look around for anything to help and Hux chuckles at me.

"Trust me. You can't do anything." He smirks.

Asshole. I think to myself as Hux picks me up off the floor.

Rey? I hear Ben's voice in my head.

Ben? Snoke took me and I'm currently being carried by Hux. You need to come save me.

Calm down Rey, otherwise you may break the connection from freaking out. I take a deep breath. What's going on? What have they done to you?

I close my eyes and imagine Ben in front of me and focus on pushing my feelings on him like I have before and he has to me.

Ben's POV
I'm waiting for Rey to reply, as I stand in our room from where I was pacing and watching the sunset, wishing she was her. I watch the sun contuine it's journey down.

I suddenly drop to the floor limp. I can't move or talk.

Rey, you said you were being carried?

Yeah, because Hux had me injected with some kind of dart.

That explains the random drop a lot.

Okay, can you take your feelings back. I might be able to help. I feel my legs and arms become my own again and pull myself off the cold balcony floor.

I walk into the kitchen. Tell me when you feel this?

Feel what?

You'll see. Focus.

I turn on the water to hot and set my hand under it and focus.

I focus on Rey and the feeling of the water warming up.

Your wasting water Ben.

I smile and turn off the water. I run my dry hand through my hair and walk back through the living room and out onto the balcony. I look out over the water and at the sun and soak it up.

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