Battle Plans

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Kylo's POV
Luke is here...

Rey is looking at me with fear. "Don't be afraid." I kiss her cheek and head towards the closet to change into my uniform.

"Kylo, why are we on Hoth?" She steps in to the closet as I grab my cape and helmet. I hand her the cape and turn, so she can put it on.

"To take over a small Resistance Base here."

"So we will be fighting them?" She sounds nervous.

"Yes, you and I will be expected to help. Not in the first lines though."

"Do I have to kill?" I face her and try to choose my words carefully.

"You're supposed to. It's a battle."

"Okay, is your mother here with Luke?"

"I haven't felt her presence. I believe she is still hiding with the rest of the fleet somewhere."

"The whole fleet isn't here?"

"No, Rey it's a small base."

"Okay, so what's our plan?"

"Well." I hold her hand. "Grab our lightsabers, meet up with Hux and Phasma to discuss when to attack and where."

"So plan our battle strategy."


Rey's POV
Phasma and I walk behind Hux and Kylo as they begin discussing how long it would take to prepare for battle.

We are in some sort of cold hangar and I can see stormtroopers unloading cargo from our large destroyer ship

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We are in some sort of cold hangar and I can see stormtroopers unloading cargo from our large destroyer ship. We contuine into a hallway as Kylo and Hux bricker back and forward.

Hux stops and turns around, "Captain Phasma."

"Yes, sir." She stands at attention and I glance at Kylo, but can't see through the mask.

"How long will it take for you to assign troops to the front and secondary lines?"

"I can assign easily, but I would base which troops by your strategy, sir."

"We shall contuine this discussion in the War Room." Kylo speaks up and turns.

We walk in silence. "So Phasma, ever been here on Hoth before?"

"No, how about you Rey?" She says through her mask.

"Nope, never been in a battle before either, besides fighting Kylo if that counts."

"You should do fine. I have faith that you'll know what to do."

I nod and we turn into an unmarked room. There's a few men in uniforms in here. They stand as we enter and Hux nods at them, so they sit.

Kylo walks to the end of the table and sits, Hux next to him on the far side. Kylo motions for me to sit in the chair across from Hux as Phasma sits in the chair next to that.

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