Early Morning

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Rey's POV
I wake up to the alarm going off. It's four in the morning and the room is still plenty dark. Ben force switches off the alarm and we lay there in silence. Ben has an arm wrapped around me and my head in tucked into his neck.

He pulls the covers up more then searches for my hand. I find his and intertwine my fingers with his. I hear him sigh.

"I love you Ben."

"I love you more Rey."

"I have to get up."

"I know." He kisses my forehead. "Five more minutes."

"Isn't that my line?" I giggle.

"Shhh." He quiets me then strokes my hand with the arm that was holding me.

After a minute I miss the warmth of his arm. "Put your arm back I'm cold." I groan.

"Oh that's right, I have myself a little Jakku scavenger."

"And I have myself a personal heater, so do your job."

He let's go on my hand and rolls on top of me.


"You're crushing me." I groan out.

"You like it." He jokes and rolls off.

I pull the blankets off and stand realizing it really is cold in the room. I grab the blanket from Ben and wrap it around myself. "Hey!"

"You're the one who likes it cold." I walk over to the tempture gage and turn it up. "You going to help me dress or no?"

"Only if I get to help undress."

"Fine. Come on." I flip the light switch on for him.

"Ahhh." I look over and see him with his head buried in the pillow. I walk over and lay on top of him.

"What are you doing?"

"I thought you said you were cold."

"You're crushing me." He mocks me.

"You like it." I tease back. I ruffle his hair and get up. "I'm taking a hot shower, care to join me?"

"I thought you were going to change."

"Well I decided I want a shower now, but I guess I'll take it alone." I walk off and I hear Ben roll off the bed and hit the floor.

"Did you really push the pile of feathers under the bed?" He asks.

I laugh. "No." I totally did.

He groans and enters the bathroom as I turn the shower on.

I turn and toss him the blanket. "Here's the blanket you wanted."

"Jeez thanks." He walks out and tosses it back on the bed then comes back in. I walk over to him and pull his shirt off. I smile as I look down at his abs. I look up and see him smiling shaking his head.

"What?" I chuckle.

"You were totally checking me out."

"I have every right to."


I'm in my closet putting on some black cargo pants, Ben puts on my black tank top, then hands my tan shirt to go over it. I grab my saber and switch my crystal back in as he puts on a pair of match black cargo pants and a black tank top as well.

"What no tan shirt?" I split my lightsabers and attach them to my belt.

"No, that's your color."

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