Have You

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Ben's POV
"Can you help me unzip this?" Rey calls out. I enter the bedroom and see her trying to pull the back zipper down. I use the force to pull it down for her. "Why didn't I think of that?" She turns around and smiles at me.

"So are you going to undress me or not?" She smirks. I smile and immediately use the force to pull her dress down the rest of the way. she steps out of the dress that surrounds her ankles. She raises her hand and my jacket is pulled off my body and my tie begins loosening. I undo the buttons on my shirt and soon enough I'm down to my boxers.

We glaze into each other eyes until Rey walks over to me. She jumps on to me and locks her legs around my waist. I have one hand on her thigh and the other undoing her bra.

We're both finally naked when I lay her down on the bed and crawls on top of her. She locks her legs around me and pushes me to the side and ends up on top of me. She pins my hands down and begins kissing my neck. I bite my lip and my breathing increases. Rey kisses down to my collar bone then begins grinding on me. I feel myself going hard and moan. "Rey." I take a breath. "You tease."

She releases my hands and smiles at me then adjusts herself on top of me.

I hold her hips and grip then harder as I feel how perfectly tight she is.

I hear her breathing speed up as well.  She leans back down and begins kissing my lips with a firey passion. I take over the pace and hold her hips in place as I speed up and she breaks the kiss to moan. Her fingers tangle themselves up in my hair and I see her biting her lip.

"Hold on." I turn us and begin pushing into her again further this time.

She begins to moan again... louder now. "Ben." She moans out and I smile at her. Her eyes are closed, mouth open breathing heavily, and one hand gripping the covers, the other my hair.

Her hand comes from the cover and runs down my back. Her nails lightly scratch down my back and it turns me on. I go faster and Rey breaths hitches then she bites her lip.

I can feel her body tensing as she's getting close to climaxing. She pulls my head down and kisses my lips hungrily for more.

I kiss her back and I feel her bite my lower lip. I pull away and bite her neck.

"Ben." She moans out quietly. It sends a wave of pleasure throughout my body and I climax.

"Rey." I moan back at the same level while I feel her body shake slightly against mine.

She catches her breath and I collapse next to her. Her hands cups my jaw. "I love you Ben."

"I love you Rey."



I wake up and look over at the clock. It's 10 in the morning. I look at Rey who remains naked from last night. She lays with her back to me and her hair falling out of it's updo from last night.

My move closer to her and wrap an arm around her. I can sense her waking. "Good Morning sweetheart." I grumble.

"Mmm good morning handsome." She intertwines her fingers with mine. "We missed breakfast. Again."

I chuckle. "Well we needed to regain our strength."

"Yeah, but we should be getting up for breakfast."

"So you want me to get up and eat something in the morning?"

"Yes, we both should."

"Ok." I pull away and duck under the covers. I feel her hand grab my hair. "What? You told me to eat something." I remove the covers from on top of me.

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