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Kylo's POV
I run down the hallways, I can feel Rey's light draining. I can sense she is in fear, her anger rising, and she's suffering. I need to save her from whoever is causing this.

I can feel the gape between us closing when I come to an interrogation room guarded by two guards. "Open the door." I demand.

"We have strict orders to not open the door to anyone." I ignite my saber and slash through the guard who defied me and use the force to open the door. The guard stands at attention and doesn't bother to move.

I see Hux in front of the chair and know it's Rey in the chair

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I see Hux in front of the chair and know it's Rey in the chair. I charge closing my saber and knock Hux off of Rey and on to the ground. I look at Rey who is pale, shaking, and crying. I see her breast showing and pull her shirt up to cover her. I unlock her restraints and she falls forward into my arms. "Did he get into your pants?" I whisper.

"No, he was about to though." She begins crying harder,then I notice the blood, there's so much blood. I grab my saber to kill him and Rey touches my arm. "Kylo. We need to leave he's not worth it right now." She whimpers leaning against me for support. I scoop her up into my arms.

Hux begins to get up and I kick him in his groan. "Don't you ever touch or even look at her again... You're lucky I don't kill you right now." I turn and exit with Rey in my arms. I turn to the trooper. "Contact Captain Phasma and have her report to A-113 at once. Also alert a medical droid they are needed at the same room for a code red."

"Right away sir." He takes off running down the hall. It's good to be feared, but best to be loved. I look down at Rey. I shake her lightly in my arms. She stirs.

"Stay with me, Rey."

"I was just resting my eyes." She doesn't open them.

"No Rey, you need to stay awake." I almost start crying. "I can't lose you." Her arm is bleeding and judging by the pool in the room she's lost a lot of blood.

I stride back to our room and force open the door. I lay her on the couch and rip part of my cape off and tie it around her arm. She groans as I apply some pressure to slow the bleeding. "I need to slow the bleeding." She nods and takes a shaky deep breath.

A few minutes pass and I'm getting anxious when there's a buzz at the door and I force it open. A medical door comes in and rushes over to Rey.

"Heavy blood lost. She's losing conscious. That's all I know. I tied some fabric around the wound to slow the bleeding."

The droid pulls out some kind of examining laser. "Remove the fabric please sir."

I do as told and Rey groans in pain again. "I'm so sorry love." The droid begins scanning the gash in her arm.

"It appears a sharp object was forced into her arm and into a vein. Once in the vein, it was pulled out improper causing her to lose blood." The tool goes back into the mechanical body. "I'll order her a blood transplant right away sir." There's a knock on the door. I force it open again.

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