Bragging Rights

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Ben's POV
She loves me? I smile wider than ever. I stand and lift Rey up in the air, spinning her as she giggles.

I bring her back down and kiss her again passionately. She smiles breaking away. "I love you too Rey." I say back.

"I know." She smirks and replies. There's a knock at the door. "I'll get it." She walks over and opens the door. "Hey Poe!"

Rey's POV
"Ready for dinner? Some of us are meeting up and the General says she has an announcement for everyone."

"Sure. Ben, let's go to dinner!" I call over my shoulder.

"Ben?" Poe asks confused.

"Yeah, before he was Kylo Ren he was Ben Solo, so he's going by Ben now."

"Yup." Ben says from behind me slipping an arm around my waist.

"Okay, do you guys maybe want to change?" We look down.

"Oh yeah, that'd probably be best." I say. "Want to come in and wait?"

"Sure." I open the door wider and we all go back in. I grab the box from the couch where I tossed it as I was distracted. "Whoa, this is your guys room?"

"Yeah." Ben smirks. "Isn't it amazing? We haven't even looked around."

"I think the bedroom is this way." I say. I walk down a hall spotting an office room with a bay window, a bathroom, and a dinning room that leads to a kitchen which I believe there was an entrance from the living room. At the end of the hall is the bedroom. "Found it!" I set the box down on a vanity and pull out a pair black training pants for me and the men's verison for Ben. I also pull him out a black shirt and a red shirt for me. I begin changing when Ben walks in. He turns around and I pull off his cape. "Sorry, I already did mine."

"You owe me a kiss then." He leans in closing his eyes and I put the side of my fist to his lips. He begins to kiss it then opens his eyes and I burst out laughing. "I'll get you for that."

I finish getting dressed. "Oh sure you will." I undo my hair in the mirror and grab my lightsaber, clipping it to my pants.

Ben dresses and he walks up behind me in the mirror placing his hands on my hips. "Oh I will."

I smirk. "You can't even catch me without using the force."

"Is that a challenge?"

I turn and look at him. "I make it to the dinning hall without you catching me I win."

"And if I catch you?" He looks down at my lip and bites his lip. "What do I get?"

"Bragging rights." I smile.

"So winner gets bragging rights? That's lame."

"Why are you worried about my prize Solo?"

"Oh that's my prize scavenger." He smiles.

"Rules. You can't use the force."

"Okay." He nods and we smile at each other. I take off running and go through the dinning room.

He's on my trail within secs and has me cornered at the kitchen island. We run around for a second and we both freeze and I'm giggling uncontrollably.  Poe walks in. "Okay cuties. Let's get going."

"She challenged me and I'm not backing down."

"Oh really?" Poe smirks and raises an eyebrow.

"Yeah I have to catch her before she gets to the dinning hall to win." Poe takes a step forward towards Ben and I see my chance. I run behind Poe as he's in front of Ben. "No fair!"

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