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Kylo's POV
"Snoke is waiting for me to return with you." I tell her after a moment of silence, as we look at her new uniform.

She lets out a breathe. "Okay, let's do this." She smirks then turns and grabs her cape making it sway behind her.

I chuckle grabbing my helmet and following her. "Rey?"

"Kylo?" She turns and smiles at me as I place my helmet on.

"Only you could look like an adorable badass, but don't do that outside the room please

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"Only you could look like an adorable badass, but don't do that outside the room please." Her smile widens.

"Yes, Master." She opens the door and I follow her out into the hallway. I close the door and begin our journey down the winding hallways.

Hux and Snoke are suspicious of us. Rey glances over at me.

What's the plan?

Denine, denine, denine. She gives a slight nod and I can feel her nerves coming back That outfit makes you look dark, but only you can feel the darkness inside of you and let it grow.

What if I'm not meant to be on the Dark Side? I stop and look at her.

It's too late for that. I begin walking again and she follows behind me now.

We reach outside the chamber. I enter in the passcode and the door slides open. Rey gives me a nervous look as I pass her entering the dark room and she follows in behind me. The hologram comes to life.

"Kylo Ren... and his appertince." He chuckles with a slight surprised tone. "Welcome to the First Order."

"Thank you Supreme Leader Snoke. " Rey's voice echos through the chamber.

The door slides open and in walks General Hux. "I see we have a guest. Hello again Rey." Rey nods a greeting to him and he comes up beside her and stands next to her. We all return our attention to Snoke.

"You're keeping Rey as your name?" Snoke looks at her curious.

"Yes, Supreme Leader." Rey replies trying to stand her ground it seems.

"Come up with something more meaningful for her change, Kylo Ren."
Snoke says and I bow my head. "Have we decided where she will be when not training?"

"Kylo Ren insisted she stay with him." I shoot Hux a glare, but it doesn't phase him.

"General Hux was incapable of finding living quarters for her, so I volunteered my room instead of having her roam the ship." Hux looks speechless and pissed.

"I wasn't aware the room was already taken by Master Ren." Rey speaks up and looks at me.

"It's fine, my appertince, I can make sure you are on the right path at all times to completing your training."

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