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Rey's POV
I wake slowly and turn my pounding head. I'm in an interrogation chair back on the Finalizer.

"Well, well." I hear a familiar male voice behind me. "Look who's finally awake from her little nap."

The boots echo through my cell, as Hux reveals himself.

I immediately tense and tug at my restraints.

"Now where have I seen this before." He eyes me then reaches forward and grabs my jaw. "Oh I remember."

Hux forces his lips against mine and I frown in disgust, as he sloppily kisses me.

He let's go and I scuff at him. "Oh darling. You'll love me in time. If you can love your precious Kylo Ren-"

"Ben Solo." I correct him.

"Whoever... then it'll be easy to love me."

"Did you really capture me to become your little play toy?" Hux narrows his stare at me. "Do you really thing I won't fight back?"

He smirks and scuffs at me. "Oh that won't be a problem for much longer." He turns and strides out of the room.

Ben's POV
I sit in the Falcon on the main bench of the relaxing area. I don't see any need to get off. It's been a day since the battle... since I lost Rey.

I haven't felt her light leave me... yet. I keep waiting for that sinking feeling of her spirit leave her body and my heart dropping out of my chest as if it could land on the floor next to my blood splattered boots.

I hear the familiar hiss from the door as it opens and I contuine to sit there staring at the floor.

"Ben." I hear my mother say calmly.

"Have you found anyone?"

"We are still recovering more troops and accounting for everyone."

"Have you found out where Finn is? Or Poe? How about Phasma?" I look up at her. "Johanna even?" I raise my eyebrows. "Oh better yet is Sassy alive? Any word on her life or whereabouts?" I stand and try to contuine looking at my mother as my eyes blur from me containing the tears.

"Ben I..."

"Where's Rey? The woman I love mother! The woman who loves me in return! The woman I want to marry and grow old with! The woman I hope will have your grandchildren! Where's she, huh, mom?" I can't contain the tears and now a steady stream runs down my face. "That's right!" I scuff. "She was taken by Snoke and I couldn't get to her in time because you let your feelings get in the way and didn't allow me to protect her!" My mom silently begins to cry herself. "Or protect anyone else for that matter."

"Ben." She reaches out to me.

"No mom. Poe, Finn, BB8, Phasma, Johanna, heck that while crew plus Isabela and Matt who I basically sent into Snoke's trap... I'm not even the one decoded that message. Daniele did!" I motion with my arm as if she's beside me. "I ran around playing General while you went off with Luke to drop him off when you should have been doing your job."

She covers her face and cries. I walk up and hug her as I contuine crying myself. I rub her back as she's engulfed in my arms and I feel her wet tears on my chest as her small frame clings to me.

"I'm sorry mom." I whisper to her.

"You're right Ben." She pulls back and takes a breath. "We needed you and I did let my feelings get in the way... and as a result you're the one suffering.  You're in pain and you're angry and you have every right to be." She sighs and I see her shaking.

"Mom, let's go get some food. When's the last time you ate?" I put my arm around her and walk her off the Falcon.

Rey's POV
I'm handcuffed and guarded by 10 stormtroopers, as they lead me down a hall. I recognize the hall and know the cafeteria is coming up. "So are we going to get food?" They don't reply. "Either someone tells me where we are going or I'll show you guys what Kylo Ren taught me."

One looks over at me intrigued. "Ignore her and stick to orders." One of his pals says from behind.

I glance over my shoulder and eye him. I force turn his helmet around and look forward as the others begin to help him. I drop my weight into the guards arms who are holding me and kick both the troopers in front of me into the others in front of them. I'm dropped on to the floor and I turn over and force push myself off the ground and back on my feet.

I force push the troopers standing out of my way as I take off running. I run down the hall and make a left down a hall we had passed. I'm surprised when the stormtroopers don't open fire on me. Looks like I'm wanted alive. I smirk and near the door I want. A-113. I hear boots echoing the halls as I press in the code. The door opens and I smile. Once inside me and Kylo Ren's old living quarters I set the lock code on the door. I turn and look around the room. It's been ransacked, but I still see our stuff in here. I hear the thunderous storm of boots getting closer. I walk back into the bedroom and the familiar scent of Ben hits me. I need a plan to escape here and get back to him. I first need a plan to get these cuffs off.

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