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Rey's POV
The shuttle lands and I take off running towards it with my lightsaber. "Rey it's okay!" Leia calls after me.

The ramp lowers and out steps a resistance pilot with my box. "I... I'm so sorry." The man chuckles.

"It's okay, glad to know you're back. Is this yours?" I smile.

"Yes, thank you." The medical droid comes and rushes me away and to some ground vechile to be transported to the medical center. I sit down keeping my head low when we arrive I'm amazed at the beautiful structure and the natural beauty surrounding. I wish Kylo was with me right now. I'm escorted inside and told to wait to be set to some room. I sit and look around. There's resistance fighters in here and more arriving. A medical droid approaches me and tells me a room number and I refuse him telling him to take a soldier. He's uneasy, but does as I say. He comes back after sending three to rooms.

"You are told to go to room 3 right away by order of General Organa." I stand, holding the box close to my chest.

"Okay, I'll go, but start helping them as soon as possible." I motion my head to the men who were sitting next to me.

"Yes, ma'." He goes over to them and I start down a hallway. I see room 1 there's a man sleeping. I pass room 2 where a woman is bleeding and is being fixed up. I want to go in and offer my help, but I know I can't. I see the door to room 3 is closed. I enter without knocking, maybe I'll get kicked out and can leave. I want to go explore, find Kylo, Phasma, and Poe.

"You're stubborn you know." I turn and see Kylo on the bed. I smile.

"Found you." I walk over and hold his hand. "Today's been crazy."

"Yeah, so much has happened. Seeing my mom, returning to the light, battling Finn, getting shot in the leg..." He chuckles.

"All because of me.." I look down. I may be fine and happy, but I never even questioned if he would be happy here. I just assumed as long as we were together.

"I didn't mean it like that." He cups my face.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be, we're going to be happy together here. We'll have more freedom here." He smiles and I try to return it with the same amount of excitement, but I feel bad. "Okay I have to know, what's in the box?"

I open it and pull out one of his black shirts. I lift it so he sees it then smell it. I close my eyes. "Is that a box purely of my shirts?"

I playfully slap his arm. "No, it has some of our clothes in it. I have your shirts, some sweats, my shirts, my sweats, and something special for me."

"Do I get to see that something special?"

"When there's something special sure."

"I'm special." He pouts playfully, then I ruffle his hair. "Okay, let's get down to business. Go to the draw other there." He points to a draw across the room and I get up putting the box out of reach.

I reach the draw and inside are my bandage wraps and medicine. I look over at him. "Come on, bring them here and let me fix you."

"Catch me." I smirk. I turn to leave knowing he can't. I take two steps and freeze.

"No fair." I say and he force pulls me over to him.

"Caught you." He smirks.

"Smooth, but not as smooth as the first time."

"Sorry, maybe I'll take my shirt off next time to please you."

He let's me go and I hand him the stuff, force pulling over a chair

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He let's me go and I hand him the stuff, force pulling over a chair. I sit and he shuffles around to get a better look at me.

He fixing me up when he says, "When do we plan on telling Luke and my mother?"

"I told her already." His eyes shoot up from wrapping me. "She took it well."

"She's going to tell Luke and we'll get in trouble..."

"We're among the last jedi, it's us versus him. You're mom is with us, she said she'll defend us against him." He smiles slightly and goes back to wrapping.

"She always was a romantic." I smile and a droid comes in.

"Sir you are all set to leave. The General is waiting for you if you'll follow me."

He secures it and I throw the shirt in the box. I grab the box and his hand as we exit. I see Leia and Phasma smiling at us as we approach them at the end of the hallway.

Leia wraps us both in a hug and Phasma nods at me. She's in a loose green shirt and black pants. I wonder where they managed to find those.

"I'm here to show you to your rooms." Leia says.  Leia turns and we follow her. "This is the dining hall. Food is served between six in the morning to eight at night. Eat when you're hungry." She contuines down the hall after we nod. We pass a balcony and the sun lowering on to the water is so peaceful. I can't wait until sunset. I'll have to drag Kylo back here. We head down a hallway.

"Captain Phasma this is your room. I hope you find it homey. If you need anything Poe Dameron is three doors down and on the left. There room will be at the very end of the hall." She points her thumb at us.

"Thank you General Organa."

"Please call me Leia."

"Very well." Phasma nods. "I'll see you for dinner Rey and Kylo?"

I smile at her, "Yeah, I'll stop by and knock on the way over." She goes into her room and closes it.

Leia leads us down the rest of the hallway, her boots clicking along the floor. "Here we are."

"Thanks mom." Kylo goes inside.

"Thank you Leia." She winks at me.

"You're welcome. I hope you find the suite to your liking." I nod. Suite? Hmm.

I walk in and it's breath taking. I'm standing in a living room that let's to a balcony where the sun is setting so beautifully. Kylo is standing there. I walk up next to him and intertwine my fingers with his.

"I love you Rey and I hope you know that you've changed me for better." I glance over at him and he stares over at the sunset.

"I never had the strength to fight back and push pass my anger

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"I never had the strength to fight back and push pass my anger. I believed destroying my problems was solving them, but it wasn't." He looks over at me and leads to a bench and sits. I sit next to him and he pushes a strand of hair behind my ear. "Rey can I ask a favor of you?"

I look into his eyes which are glistening and I can see specks of gold forming. I want to say 'Anything for Ben', but say "Anything."

"Call me Ben." I let his hand go and cup his face bringing it to mine, then slide my hands to his neck when I feel his hands wrap around me and rest on the small of my back.

I pull away. "Ben?"


"I love you, Ben."

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