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Rey's POV
Ready or not, here I come.

I can sense him gaining ground on me already. I look around. There is only trees to hide among.

I walk a few more yards deeper into the forest, then begin sprinting and jump for a tree branch high up

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I walk a few more yards deeper into the forest, then begin sprinting and jump for a tree branch high up. I use my hands to force push down into the ground raising me high enough to grab the branch.

I reach my arms out to it and the branch begins to crackle threatening to snap. I swing my body to jump to another and as I'm about to make my jump, the branch breaks.

I feel the sensation of falling like I do when falling asleep sometimes, but I'm actually falling for real.

I land on a stiff branch, wider then the first, that thumps when I hit my backside on it. My legs dangle to either side and I lay there for a moment to catch my breath.

I can see parts of the sky through the trees and see the dark gray clouds forming.

The first time I saw a rain cloud I thought there was a fire and when the water fell from the sky I flipped out. Luke calmed me down and told me it was rain. We didn't get rain ever on Jakku.

I remember a time before then though. It was when I touched Luke's lightsaber, but I was too busy fearing for my life as Kylo Ren just killed a man before my eyes and was coming towards me.

I smile and think of the smell of rain. It's one of my favorite smells among with the ocean.

I start to lean up. My back is fine, I don't feel any real damage, besides a slight headache, but that could be from Kylo Ren being in my mind.

Kylo Ren... I feel him close by. I grip the tree as best as I can and look around for my next move.

Shit. I don't know how to get down. Dammit.

Running out of places to hide? I search below me and see him gaining on me fast. He hasn't spotted me... yet.

I see another branch on a tree about 20 yards away. I use the force to break it off and a loud crack echos. Kylo Ren's head snaps up in that directs and runs to where the branch is falling.

He uses the force to slow the fall of the branch and lowers it gently. He looks around for me.

I know you did that. I crouch down on the branch.

No, I'm pretty sure an ewok did it.

Ewoks are on Endor.

And the First Order is on Starkiller Base. Oh wait...

Haha, very funny scavenger.

I stand back up and jump along the trees back towards the structure. I'm at the edge of the forest and I can't reach anything, but a near by defence turret.

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